Chapter 17

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a/n: Finally beat BDSP Cynthia super rematch. Level 88 Garchomp vs my level 87 Infernape

Infernape brought down to 1hp from earthquake and holds on

Hits a crit choice band close combat and KO's

Very fun battle.

Anyways here's the chapter

Sinnoh Ash in Alola POV:

"So you're telling me, this is everywhere in Alola?" Ash asked as he ate his 47th Malasada

Kukui sat in awe, his jaw hanging out like an Exploud. Amazed at how Ash in the past had an even greater appetite when compared with his present self.

"Ummm Ash, just because the champion eats free doesn't mean you can eat their entire stock," Professor Burnet said with a laugh.

"I'm sorry, this is just so good!" Ash said as he devoured yet another one

Eventually, Ash stopped eating and looked at his two "parents"

"So umm, what exactly does a champion do besides fight and stuff?" Ash asked sheepishly, "I guess I've never really thought about it,"

"Well, you're the guardian of the whole region now, so you defend against any threat to Alola. Oh, you also are the head of the league and also a global representative of the region!" Burnet explained to Ash

"Ok, but when do I get to fight?" Ash asked

"Very often, Ash, don't you worry!" Kukui said with a laugh

"Oh, speaking of, ummm, do I get paid?" Ash nervously asked

Kukui and Burnet both laughed immensely for a reason Ash didn't understand

After a moment, Kukui nodded, "Yeah, Ash, you do get paid, and the money is in a bank account we control at the moment, so if you ever want to buy anything, just let us know,"

"Hmm, alright, sounds fine by me!" Ash said happily


Later that day......

"So you're telling me I have to dance to unleash a powerful move?" Kukui nodded, and Ash sighed

"Well, best be on with it..... It's not embarrassing if you unleash raw power after, I guess," Ash said as he failed and fell on his first attempt at dancing.

Kukui laughed, "Oh Ash! I also brought you a teacher! Lille was kind enough to volunteer, so she's your teacher for the day, because I have an urgent conference. No ulterior motives!"

"Uhhh ok?" Ash said

Lille offered Ash a hand, "Need some help?" Ash grabbed her hand and hoisted himself up

"Nice seeing you again!" Ash said happily

Lille laughed, "Ash, I literally gave you a tour of the island all day yesterday,"

Ash spoke in defiance of what Lille said, "Well doesn't mean it's not nice to see you!"

"True, anyways let's get to work. How are the z moves coming along?" Lille asked

"Maybe, I'll get it soon enough! This is nothing compared to teaching Garchomp how to master Draco Meteor!"

Lille laughed, "Well, let's get to it! First, start by placing your feet like that, and then...."

About an hour later, Ash completed his first successful breakneck blitz with Pikachu and a few hours after that he had mastered almost ten different Z moves by late afternoon.

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