Chapter 5

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A/N: Not sure if y'all would prefer slower releases but with longer chapters and more POVs in them, or shorter chapters with a singular POV, however much faster releases. Let me know which one is preferred.

XYZ Ash in JN POV:

Ash waited in the locker room for the crowd to die down when Bea walked in.

"Hey Ash, good battle out there!"

Ash looked at her, "Ummmm aren't you not allowed in the mens locker room?"

Bea laughed, "My gym, my rules. Plus, you're fully dressed, so there's nothing weird about it at all."

Ash shrugged, "I guess you're right.... But still, a girl in a guys locker room is like...."

Bea interrupted him, "Anyways, I just wanted to say that I'm really impressed with that Greninja of yours. Seriously, that was so cool! How'd you do it?"

Ash started waving his hands around, trying to describe a battle "Well, I mean, you know when you feel connected to your pokemon in the middle of a battle?"

Bea nodded

"Well, that's what happens to Greninja when we feel that connection," Ash said

"That's very impressive. If you're ever in town, stop by my dojo, and you can show me some more. I'd love to battle your Greninja again, and I think my other pokemon could learn a lot from him,"

Ash shrugged, "Sounds fun,"

"Can't wait," Bea gave him a smile that lasted a second too long, and she walked out.

Chloe and Goh walked in just then on the conversation; Chloe glared at Bea the moment she turned her back while neither one of the boys were looking at her.

The moment Bea closed the door behind her, Goh and Chloe both started freaking out.


"We didn't even talk to each other much because of the stadium noise, and we were paying such close attention to the battle," Chloe said

Ash smiled at them both, "Thanks, guys, I uh I really appreciate it,"

Chloe sat down and took a notebook out of her bag, "Ash, I was going to do my school project on dynamax, but after seeing your Greninja, I want to do my project on that cool transformation you did instead,"

Ash laughed, "Of course, Chloe! Ask any questions you want!"

Chloe clicked a pen, and Goh rolled his eyes.

"Tryhard," he whispered to Ash, and Chloe shot him a glare.

"I heard that, Goh," Chloe said flatly.

"So first question Ash, describe the transformation in your own words. What is it? What does it do?"

Ash spoke, "Well, when Greninja and I are in sync, trainers would know what I mean, I feel this connection to him, and our hearts unite as one. His pain is my pain, and we're bonded as one. It grants Greninja a huge increase in power and makes him faster and grants him more powerful attacks."

Chloe nodded, "And what's the name of this transformation?"

Ash laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head, "I mean.... I just call it the Ash-Greninja transformation, because you know...... I'm Ash and he's Greninja and together it's Ash-Greninja,"

Chloe rolled her eyes and took more notes, "Right.... Uhhh, anything else you want to say about the transformation?"

Ash nodded, "Yeah! My Greninja doesn't have a normal ability like torrent. Instead, he gets this,"

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