Chapter 37

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a/n: Sorry about the delay but I've been gone for a whole week.

I really needed this vacation lmao, it's the first time I've been to the beach in almost 10 years, and having sand between my toes was just amazing, and mentally decompressing from all the stresses of the past few months was nice.

On the long plane ride home I wrote some ideas for new stories that I'll reveal in the coming weeks.

Big things are on the way!

Until then, enjoy!


Ashton POV:

Ashton looked around Jubilife, scared and confused about what on earth this city was. Is this really how far humanity had advanced?

Seeing the city and the lights around him almost frightened Ashton. Was this future really where his counterparts came from?

He began looking around, seeking something or someone who could help him.

Unbeknownst to him, someone was watching him coldly, calculating his every movement. The figure recognized an impostor when he saw one.

Ashton called out his Hisui Braviary, assuming that getting an aerial view of the city would help him to find a way out.

As he ascended into the heavens, Ashton was in for a rude awakening when a fire blast flew straight at him.

Ashton rolled out of the way, and spotted the origin of the flames. It was a hooded figure on the other side of town and he moved out of the way when Ashton started to pursue him.

Ashton flew down at a blistering speed, assuming the figure knew something that would help him in his quest. In a way, he was very correct about that.

Another blast of flames flew towards Ashton and he rolled out of the way yet again.

This process repeated again, and again until Ashton was close to his target.

The cloaked figure noticed him flying closer and closer and tried to make a break for it, only failing to realize that his Braviary was also a psychic type. The cloaked figure was levitated up in the air, and suspended upside down.

"Who are you?" Ashton demanded to know

"I'm....aagh!" The cloaked figure said as his cloak fell off

Ashton's Braviary was struck with a flamethrower from a large Arcanine behind him, forcing Ashton's Braviary to release its hold on him.

"The name's Looker. I work for the international police, and I deal with abnormalities across time, and I'm here to send you back to where you belong, one way or another," the figure said with an air of authority

"Well, by all means, get me home!" Ashton said annoyed

"After I knock you out and investigate that strange Braviary we can discuss your options," Looker said

"Oh, well in that case I believe we are at an impasse," Ashton replied frustrated

"Arcanine, I grow sick of this. Apprehend this man!" Looker commanded

Ashton called out an Arcanine of his own to match his foe.

"Arcanine, let's go!" Ashton said as he released his Arcanine

The two dogs stared at each other and began circling one another before Looker gave the first command

"Arcanine, attack with extreme speed!" Looker ordered

"Counter with a rock slide!" Ashton exclaimed

"What?" Looker yelled in shock, astounded that the strange-looking Arcanine was able to use a rock type move

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