Chapter 20

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a/n: I was working stupidly late. Didn't get home until midnight, so chapters may be delayed for a few days while I play catch-up.

Hope you guys understand

This one was fun to write!

XYZ Ash in JN POV: Ash sneezed, maybe something good was happening to him in an alternate dimension? Or at least that's what a very amazing person's younger brother always said

Ash sighed, it had been a crazy two weeks. Ever since he was introduced into the master's 8, he was basically a celebrity. Everyone had wanted to talk with him, and he had done so many interviews and more.

To be honest, it was so tiring. He loved battling, not stupid interviews. But his team had certainly improved. He had taught everyone some new moves, improved his skills with Z moves and he shelled out some money on some nice new battle items for a select few.

And when he wasn't with his pokemon training, he was with Chloe. She was simply the best, not only was she even cooler than he originally thought, he was helping her find out what she wanted to do in life. And her Eevee was getting awfully close to Pikachu. A few nights ago Pikachu disappeared with Eevee for the whole night, and Pikachu came back the next day in an awfully good mood.

Did... did Pikachu get some action before his trainer did? Ash muttered under his breath, if he found a Pichu egg he'd be mad. The last thing he wanted was a Pikachu on his other shoulder.

He rolled his eyes at the thought.

Maybe Chloe would make a good mom.

Wait... not like that....

Speaking of Chloe, she walked in looking slightly guilty.

"Hey, what's up?" Ash asked

"Did you see the news?"

"What news?"

"Your next battle. Did you see who?"

"Nope, why?"

"It''s a dude named Steven, have you heard of him? Ex Champion of Hoenn, billionaire playboy, and a very powerful trainer."

Ash's eyes widened.

"Oh sh!t that'll be fun"

"'ll be ok! If anyone can handle him, it's you! You've trained so hard for this!"

Chloe hugged Ash out of the blue, "It'll be ok Ash, I promise!"

Ash just squeezed her tighter, "Yeah, it's just I've never battled him, and don't even know his full team besides Metagross of course," Ash spoke nervously

Chloe ignored him, "Well, Ash, you've got this! Now let's get some plane tickets to Ever Grande because that's where we're heading next!"


The day of the match arrived, and Ash sported his Z ring along with a new surprise in his poke ball. In the middle of the night a few days ago, an "old" or rather "new" friend came to visit him. And so, Ash sent a team member of his back. He couldn't turn down an opportunity like this.

Ash walked into the stadium which was roaring for Steven, after all, he was quite popular around these parts. This battle was going to be LEGENDARY

Steven was waiting for Ash in the center of the arena, in his suit and tie. "Well Ash, I must say that I'm impressed. You've grown so much since I saw you last. But, only one of us can advance in this round, and it will be me. I'm very proud of you and look forward to your bright future. But, this won't last long! Let's do this!"

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