Chapter 25

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a/n: If you can't tell
Legends Arceus is amazing. It's the best pokemon game ever.

And I mean that genuinely.

On the personal front, things are slightly better. I was accepted into a great school, but I'm still unsure if I'll attend until I hear back from other places.

Chapters may still be delayed, I think I can do bi-daily but no promises. I have an extremely important wave of tests upcoming.

Enjoy this chapter!


JN Ash in XYZ POV:

As the elevator rose and he climbed up the stairs to the arena, Ash felt his heart speed up. This was it, the Kalos League finals once more. He'd face Alain, and he'd win this time. There was no excuse, he swore to himself that he'd win when he came back in time, and win he would.

The stairs led to the arena, and Ash heard the roar of the crowd. This was it, now or never. He smiled, remembering his strategy. Alain wouldn't stand a chance, because his team had one MASSIVE glaring weakness.

Alain looked across the field from Ash. "Ready?" Ash's rival asked

Ash nodded and reached for his belt, nothing needed to be said.

The referee went on his usual spiel, six on six battle this, substitutions are allowed that, and something about wanting both of the trainers to have fun and good luck.

And just like that, the battle started.

Alain and Ash made eye contact for a second, and nothing needed to be said. Only one of them could win, and it sure as hell wouldn't be Alain. After all, Ash had a plan for once.

The trainers reached for their belts, and the battle commenced. Scoreboards with each of the trainer's avatars flashed above their heads. It was go time now!

"Tyranitar, let's go!" shouted Alain

"Alright, let's go Dracovish!" Ash yelled

Ash's fossil was wrapped in a new flameproof scarf that Serena knitted.

A sandstorm started, and an annoying overplayed EDM song by Darude that's an internet classic started playing over the stadium loudspeaker.

"Alright Dracovish, let's do this! Use Fishious rend!"

"Tyranitar, attack with a dark pulse!"

Dracovish vanished at a surprising pace, running towards Tyranitar and jumping over the stream. Tyranitar's beam of darkness missed Dracovish, who leaped up at Tyranitar and smashed his fangs into the rock type. Tyranitar fell from the impact of the blow.

Dracovish landed and jumped up and down happily.

"Fine! Tyranitar, stone edge!"

"Fishious rend again!"

Dracovish chomped down on Tyranitar once more, who collapsed again. Alain growled and recalled Tyranitar.

"Fine, let's do this the hard way. Metagross, you're up!"

A Metagross cried out and set down its foot.

"Alright Dracovish, jump up and use Fishious rend yet again!"


Metagross's attack missed from Dracovish's speed, and he chomped down on Metagross's face.

"Aaaagh!" Alain cried out in frustration

Ash smirked, "Alright Dracovish, let's end this! Fishious rend once more!"

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