Chapter 9

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Sinnoh Ash in Alola POV:

This chapter takes place in an alternate universe

I repeat. An. Alternate universe.

"So, league finals huh?" Ash said to himself, as he walked down the street towards the stadium.

Just then, three girls approached him, all of them eager to speak to Ash.

"Ash, hey!" a girl with green hair said

"We all just wanted to wish you good luck! You're gonna excel and all of your classmates know you can win this league! A blue-haired girl said

Ash laughed, "Thanks, guys!"

"I don't even know their names," Ash thought to himself nervously

A girl with blue hair pushed the blonde forward and she smiled at Ash and spoke while looking at the ground

"She's sorta cute," Ash thought to himself

"Ummmmm Ash, hey, uhhh good luck out there! You've helped me so much this past year, and I uhh I really appreciate it. So please give it your all out there," the blonde girl said with a smile

Ash improvised on his feet

"Hey, thanks, that really means a lot. And I promise you that I'm gonna give it all I have!" Ash said determined

The speakers in the stadium announced "All contestants, please report to the ready room. The battle will be starting soon,"

"I'll talk with you guys after the match! See you all soon!" Ash ran off with a wave

"So uhhhhh, does anyone feel like Ash acted weird during that talk?" asked the green-haired girl

The blonde girl nodded, "Yeah, he was a lot more mature than usual. I'm slightly confused, but hey, if he's mature that just makes him even better boyfriend material," she said that last part with a slight blush

"Man, interrogating you about your feelings for him was one of the best decisions that I have ever made in my life," the green-haired girl said

The blue-haired girl just rolled her eyes, "You are both so obsessed with boys,"


"Announcing the first-ever Alola League final! It will be a battle between regions, and trainers hungry for success! Serena Yvone, runner up in the Vertress Conference, versus Ash Ketchum, runner up in the Lumiose Conference! It will be a 6 on 6 battle, with substitutions NOT allowed. Trainers, please step on the battlefield at this time." The stadium announcer said

Ash walked out into the stadium, which was strangely in his favor, the whole section behind him was decked out in blue, waving blue flags, while chanting his name.

And on the opposing end, a fashionably dressed girl walked in the other side and walked towards center field. She looked like she meant business, and Ash stared her down for a moment before approaching her. She spoke first.

"Hey, Ash! Do you remember me?" the girl asked

Ash nodded, "Yeah, barely. I just remember being friends with a girl at the summer camp, and her Kalosian accent. Neither of which it seems you've lost,"

"Well, just know that I started my journey because of you, you inspired me to grow strong and to never feel weak again, and now I'm gonna show you and the rest of the world just how strong I am!" Serena said with a determined look

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