Chapter 21

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a/n: Taking a break from our Ash's we travel to the future!

It's about to get real!

50k words in 22 days and 21 chapters.

As of this chapter, it's officially the longest fic I've ever written in the shortest amount of time!

Tbh I'm not really sure how long this story will end up.

There are a ton of moving parts.

But no matter, I've never enjoyed writing a fic this much (Sorry flowers and ashes fans)

The Timeless POV:

Ash Ketchum. All grown up. 35 years of age and the former world monarch.

Able to talk to Pokemon after a deal with the lake guardians.

Wife and two kids works a boring league job by day.

By night..... He solves problems. With the greatest group of trainers ever assembled.

The timeless

Ash was putting the kids to bed when he received a message. The leader of the timeless contacted him through a pager he kept on him at all times. He knew he'd be expecting company any time now.

Ash called for his wife "Hey Serena?"

Serena walked out of the bedroom, "Yes honey?"

Ash sighed "Looks like I'll be working tonight..."

"Oh... well stay safe. See you in the morning. Pikachu do you want to go with?"

"Pika Pi Pi!" Pikachu shook his head and pointed at a sleeping Pichu on the couch

Ash rolled his eyes. Pikachu was probably a better father than he was at times.

Ash waved towards his family "Well sleep well guys, I'll try and make it home for breakfast,"

Ash walked into his study and Hoopa was already waiting for him

Hoopa flew in panicked, "We have an issue. The timeline is moments away from shattering.... Dialga and Palkia are on the verge of erasing someone important. We need firepower. We need to contact the outcast."

"We agreed we would NOT contact him! He's supposed to be left alone under strict orders from the leader." Ash objected

"Rules are meant to be broken! Not to mention, I have his explicit permission!" Hoopa said with a giggle

"He's the only one who can give us the edge needed. Can you stop a god? Yeah, that's right you can't. You guys can get together though!" Hoopa spoke enthusiastically

Ash put the foot down, "The answer is no! That's final!"

Hoopa spoke sadly "You don't have a choice! Anyways, Ash..... it's you. You're the one who's going to be erased."

Ash seemed shocked and his expression shifted "Oh....."

Hoopa spoke worriedly, "We leave now. Do you have your team?"

Ash nodded

"Well, let's go!"

Hoopa grabbed Ash and dragged him through a purple portal.


In another universe:

Ash was in an office. His office to be precise. Sitting on a mahogany wood desk, Pikachu napped in a luxury upholstery bed by his side. A belt of poke balls was in a drawer and a jar full of fancy jelly beans was on his desk.

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