Chapter 32

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PLA > Any pokemon game ever!

It's the goat for me.

I'll fight for that.

Anyways, thanks again for the continued support and huge shoutout to those who review!

Back to the show:


Red turned his hat around, despite having faced Arceus once before the experience was always terrifying.

He walked forward towards the throne.

A majestic sound could be heard from inside that could only be described as an unsettling blissful noise faintly ringing in the massive temple Arceus resided in.

Red felt even more terrified, this was new. No such music had played last time he was here.

He ignored his pessimistic side telling him to run and kept walking forward.

After a moment, the noise became more musical in nature, having a consistent melody. Albeit an unsettling and strange melody, but a melody nonetheless.

As Red approached the temple, the melody grew deeper until it was an unsettling deep piano melody. Begging him to leave this place. Red knew something was wrong, so he HAD to investigate now

Red pushed on his hands on poke balls around his belt, trying his best to ignore the angry sound.

The music grew even angrier, becoming an unfathomably angry screech, begging and pleading with him to not make the same mistakes that they supposedly did.

Red persisted, turning his walk into a run towards the temple, only stopping when he grew tired close to the temple.

And then, worst of all as he walked up the first stairs. The music stopped. It was silence, complete silence spare his footsteps.

The temple was empty, strange considering last time he was here some mysterious light guided him into Arceus's resting place.

Red walked through the temple, admiring the sheer epic proportions of the building

He entered the grand chamber,

And he was horrified at what he saw.


"Oh, well this is a surprise, I wasn't expecting guests," Cyrus said as he saw Red approach.

"You...... you should be dead!" Red yelled

"But here I am," Cyrus said with a shrug, "Also for a side note, who the heck are you?"

"Cyrus, take him seriously. He's a very powerful trainer, and a former friend of mine," Remi said

"What.... Remi?" Red couldn't believe his eyes

"In the flesh," Remi said sarcastically

"Traitor bastard," Red spat with venom

"Now now, play nice kids," Cyrus said to them

"Were you responsible for that noise?" Red said to Cyrus

"Yes," Cyrus spoke plainly

"Why!" Red shouted

"You see, our mutual friend decided this would be a perfect time to hibernate. Who knows where place while my friends and I try to Usurp his throne, but we need to take him out in order to Usurp his throne. So, my friend Reukra owner of the Azure Flute will play it until Arceus comes,"

"I'll stop you! I haven't ever failed, and I certainly won't start now! Not with the likes of you," Red yelled at Cyrus who laughed

Cyrus sighed, "I don't want to deal with this, Remi it seems like you have a past with this man, so I'm ordering you to neutralize him,"

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