Chapter 33

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a/n: Story is getting good!

Apologies for the slow chapters, I work late frequently, and writing takes a lot of energy out of me as much as I LOVE doing it.

Ok, BIG THINGS COMING IN THE ANIME THESE NEXT 3 MONTHS: Greninja's return is confirmed along with Clemont and Bonnie. No word on Serena, but either way it's a massive win.


At the Throne,

Remi's Delta Charizard rushed Red's Charizard who flew up and avoided the attack.

Red's Charizard roared and fired a massive blast of fire more akin to a fire-type hyper beam.

Charizard didn't even look fazed, as if he were bored. Remi's Charizard flew back, tossing about seemingly having taken some serious damage from the previous attack.

Remi's eyes widened, this was unexpected, to say the least, she knew Red's Charizard was one of his strongest, but he seemed to be going....all out? Was Red holding back against her this whole time? Remi grimaced at the thought, it'd be very unfortunate if Red was holding back against her the whole time.

She gave another order, "Charizard, use shadow force and vanish!"

Red simply snapped his fingers, and Charizard began glowing red and black, using a much more primal and powerful version of dragon dance.

Remi gulped and pointed at Red's Charizard, yelling "Strike him now!"

Remi's Charizard appeared out of thin air, slamming into Red's. Red's Charizard just turned his head, seemingly unaffected in the slightest from the blow, almost issuing a challenge as if to say, "Is that all you've got?"

Remi's Charizard roared and fired a black beam that knocked Red's Charizard about slightly, but it still wasn't even close to enough to deal any significant damage.

It seemed so one-sided, considering how Remi's Charizard was slower despite being the ace of a former champion who was considered among the strongest ever to live.

Red's Charizard roared and fired off another massive blast of fire, knocking Remi's out and about.

Red then pointed at Remi's Charizard, and Red's Charizard without even looking promptly rushed at Remi's with two glowing dragon claws.

Red's Charizard crashed into Remi's, sending the dragon/ghost Charizard tumbling towards the ground, where it skidded to a halt.

Red's Charizard landed with a triumphant THUMP and waited for its next orders.

Remi looked flabbergasted, she hadn't ever been demolished like this, especially not with her ace.

She started to lose her cool and looked at Red even angrier than before, "You think you're so much better than everyone huh! Well, guess what, you aren't! Just because you haven't made any mistakes doesn't give you the right to act all high and mighty, have you ever considered how normal people feel? Do feelings ever cross your mind?"

Red gave no response as Remi's Charizard started to stand

Remi yelled in frustration and grabbed her mega band, "Charizard, it's now or never! You've been by my side for this long, so let's finish this!"

Red smiled and took off his hat, he pressed a keystone under his hat and his Charizard was enveloped with the same purple light as his foe.

Out of the purple light emerged the Delta-Mega Charizard and a Mega Charizard Y

Cyrus looked interested, "This is when it gets good, but I feel as if this battle is already forgone," he said to Reukra who didn't reply, instead choosing to continue playing the azure flute as if his life depended on it.

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