Chapter 28

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Legends Arceus final trainer battle done. Beat it first try!

I'm starting to wonder.

What's next after this fic?

And I think I've decided

As we reach the final act of the show these next few chapters I'll reveal more.

XYZ Ash in JN POV:

Ash was ready to face Cynthia. After many long years, trials and a journey across time, this would be his moment.

As he walked into the stadium, he could hear the deafening roar of the crowd. He took a deep breath and walked forward.

Little did he know, his match would be postponed.

Cynthia gave the crowd a wave before gazing at Ash and nodding.

Ash reached for his belt, as did Cynthia.

Cynthia gave Ash a smile, "Ready?"

Ash nodded

The rotom drone screamed, "Begin!"

And the show was on

"Alright, let's do this Pikachu!" Ash yelled

"Roserade, let's go!" Cynthia yelled

Both pokemon emerged and stared each other down, and Ash was about to give his first orders, but the faint sound of thunder could be heard, distracting him.

Evidently, Cynthia seemed curious about it as well, considering she gave no orders to her Roserade, who looked at the sky curiously.

The thunderclap could be heard again, this time even louder than before.

The crowd went silent; they could tell something was off as well.

Ash grimaced; he suspected something was up and got ready for trouble.

Just then, trouble arrived. And no, not team rocket and their schemes.

A portal opened above Ash, and a loud booming voice was heard from the skies.

"Ash Ketchum, your life is forfeit for violating the timeline. Do not resist as your counterparts have"

Two massive pokemon flew out from the skies and released a roar

It was Palkia and Dialga

"The gods of space and time..." Cynthia said to herself. Her thoughts were interrupted by sudden attacks

Dialga roared and released a dragon pulse that Ash rolled out of the way of.

Palkia launched a hydro pump and Pikachu countered by defending Ash with a massive electro ball that evaporated the attack into mist.

Pikachu landed by Ash's side who stared down the gods of space and time.

Cynthia looked on, and Ash took a deep breath. He had faced legends before, and this would be no different.

Dialga and Palkia flew above him and started circling over his head.

Ash reached for his belt to get some help when Dialga beat him to the chase by unleashing a flash cannon.

Suddenly, Roserade launched a solar beam that intercepted the flash cannon.

Cynthia was in the fight now.

Palkia roared, and fired off an ice beam towards Roserade, but Pikachu melted it using a thunderbolt.

Dialga fired off an even harder dragon pulse. Palkia vanished, and reappeared above Roserade, slamming into Cynthia's pokemon.

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