Chapter 27

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a/n: Insurgence is here! If you aren't familiar, no worries. Google for the full story of the fangame, but the essence is:

Reukra is the champion and main villain of the region

And Remi is my name for the protagonist/now villain, which will be explained later.

Thanks for the support!


Disclaimer: This chapter will be a tad more violent than I usually write.

Unova Region:

Ash was ecstatic! He had just gotten to the semifinals of the Unova League, and absolutely nothing could go wrong! He had aced out Cameron yesterday, and his strategy was very sound.

He was walking down a dimly lit path back to the hotel room from the restaurant. Iris and Cilan had left early to "go get some rest" so it was just him walking back, enjoying the full moon that night.

In front of him, a figure was walking slowly in his direction.

Ash kept walking without concern. He had a full team of six pokemon, so he doubted that any real trouble could come to him. Plus, crime wasn't really a concern at a pokemon league of all places. Sure, team rocket would try some tomfoolery, but robberies etc were very rare at this stage.

Eventually, the figure stopped in front of Ash and finally spoke.

"Lovely night outside, isn't it?" the figure said, the person seemed to be wearing a thick coat.

"Yeah, it's nice," Ash said

"So, why's a trainer like you out so late?" The voice sounded female.

"Oh, I'm just on my way back from dinner, no big deal," Ash said with a shrug.

"Well... mind coming with me for a second? I think there's something you'd want to see,"

Ash's gullible Unova self agreed, "Sure!"

After a moment, the figure led Ash to a clearing by a pond.

"What do ya think?"

"It's pretty!" Ash said

Ash heard a clicking sound, and a poke ball opened.

"Ummmm...." Ash said confused

"Nothing personal, kid. Charizard, use a shadow ball!"

Ash cursed and pressed the button on a random poke ball, releasing his Leavanny

"Leavanny, use an energy ball!"

Leavanny fired off a green ball that sped towards the shadow ball, exploding on impact

Ash gazed at the pokemon in front of him. It seemed to be a Charizard, but of a more ghostly design, like a black skeleton of its original form.

The sky around Charizard seemed to darken if that was even possible, blocking out the moonlight from the full moon that night.

"What is that?" Ash said confused "Who are you?" he said after he got no response

The figure took off their cloak, revealing a girl about his age with pink hair.

"Name's Remi. And I'm here to kill you." she said nonchalantly.

"Charizard, use dragon rush!"

"Leavanny, use x-scissor!" Ash commanded

But it was of no use, Charizard sped straight into Leavanny, and knocked Ash's bug type out.

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