Chapter 15

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a/n: All of you guys are the best. Thanks for the support. You readers frequently make my day :)

JN Ash in XYZ:

About an hour later.....

Ash met up with Serena in the Lumoise gym. "So, umm I figured now that you know I'm from the future and all, maybe you should meet my new team."

"Of course!" Serena said happily

"Ok great!" Ash said enthusiastically

Ash threw all of his poke balls, "Come on out everyone!"

Lucario, Dragonite, Sirfetch'd, Dracovish and Gengar all appeared.

"Aaaah! A ghost!" Serena yelled out. Gengar smiled at her reaction and flew around the room.

Dracovish tried to eat Sirfetch'd who jumped out of the way, much to Lucario's amusement.

Ash laughed at the chaos, and Serena watched curiously

Dragonite just walked forward and hugged her, catching Serena off guard.

"Hey everyone, umm this is Serena, and she's my girlfriend."

Serena felt her heart skip a beat when she heard Ash introduce her as that. But she mainly felt Dragonite's strength crushing her in a hug. She especially felt the bone-crushing hug.

"Hey... umm mind letting me down?" Serena asked in a tone that implied great pain.

Dragonite complied and set her down, and then patted her on the head.

"Sorry, she's the affectionate one of the group," Ash said sheepishly

Serena giggled after a deep breath, "Well, means she likes me!"

Ash pointed, "And this is Lucario, we can mega evolve, as you saw from the news,"

Serena waved and Lucario shot her a look that seemed to say,

"Hurt his heart, and I hurt your spine"

Serena seemed scared from his glare and looked down at the ground, breaking eye contact between the two.

Ash defended his pokemon, "Ignore that look, he's always like that," Ash explained

"And this is Dracovish, he's a fossil pokemon, so forgive him if he doesn't have any social skills from this er- HEY SET ME DOWN! NO DROP!"

Dracovish bit down on Ash's head and thrashed him around while jumping up and down.

Serena started laughing at the whole scene

"Well, he seems fun!"

Ash sighed as Dracovish set him down

"And this is Sirfetch'd he's very noble."

Sirfetch'd knelt before Serena and laid his leek at her foot

Ash whispered in Serena's ear, "Give him back the Leek, he's asking if he can be in your service,"

Serena did what Ash said and Sirfetch'd jumped happily, excited to have a queen to be in service to.

"And finally, meet Gengar. He's actually a sweetheart despite his looks.. So maybe just give him a chance,"

Serena trembled and Gengar just vanished.

Ash shrugged, "Well, that's my team!"

Serena looked at them all, "They all seem lovely Ash, thanks for showing me! And I'm excited for your performance in the league, with a team like that, you're gonna do incredible!"

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