Chapter 24

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Just got rejected from my dream school :)


"I'm sorry....can you say that again?" Rocket-Ash said confused

The girl responded confused, "Ummm my name is Ashley Ketchum?"

Rocket Ash responded sarcastically, "Yeah I got that, I just wanted to make sure I heard you right. My name is Ash, and that's Ash, and that's Ash, and that's Ash!" the girl flinched when the name Ash was mentioned.

"Hey", "Hi", "Alola," the other three Ashes said, as they all stood up

"The only person who calls me Ash is my boyfriend," The girl said confused

Adult Ash sighed and brushed the dirt off his clothes, "We probably need to talk."

Ashley looked really perplexed, "Yeah...I'm...I'm pretty confused."

Adult Ash tried to explain everything, "Alright, so I'm Ash from the future. And those three others are also Ash Ketchum. We're all variants of each other, some of us from the same timeline and some not. But uhh I guess you're the newest one. So welcome!"

Ashley looked even more confused, "Ummmm....can we sit down? You guys look hungry, let's get you some food."


Inside Ashley's house:

"Ok, I think I get it. You guys are time fugitives, and I'm just supposed to shelter you?"

Adult-Ash just shrugged, "I mean if it makes you feel better, you're an alternate universe version of us,

Ashley rolled her eyes, "No it does not make me feel better,"

Sinnoh-Ash tried making small talk "So Ashley, out of curiosity, do you battle?"

Ashley started laughing, "Oh, do I battle? Well, I guess a little....." Ashley pointed towards a picture on the wall of her holding a trophy next to Lance, and there was a second picture of Ashley sitting alongside Karen, Bruno, Will, and Lance.

"I worked as the final member of the Kanto Elite Four before quitting."

"Why'd you quit?" asked Rocket-Ash

Ashley sighed, "It just wasn't what I wanted. The high society life at the plateau gets old, all the modeling deals, the constant social media marketing, endless interviews, banquets, and galas. We hardly ever battle, and when we do I rarely ever got a challenger because the other 3 members of the Elite Four got dibs before me."

Alola-Ash looked shaken up, "Oh.... I mean it makes sense I suppose."

Adult-Ash asked, "So what do you do now?"

Ashley shrugged, "Oh, a bit of everything, some odd tournaments here when I feel like it, breeding some pokemon, maybe a speech at a trainers school when I feel like it. Money isn't really a worry for me anymore, considering how much I made working at the league."

Adult-Ash questioned her story, "Why out here in the wilderness? I get hating the plateau, trust me I had to spend a lot of time there. But I just moved to Pallet Town,"

Ashley nodded, "Valid point, but my boyfriend and I decided to get a house in the middle of nowhere to raise all the pokemon we own and enjoy a slower pace of life."

Sinnoh-Ash blurted out, "Do you wanna battle?"

Ashley smiled, "Sure! Let's head on back to the corrals! How's one on one sound?" Ashley ran towards the backdoor and excitedly opened a gate.

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