Chapter 34

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a/n: Two updates: One personal and one anime.

Personal: Chapters will continue at the average of every 4-5 days rate. I'm just overwhelmed with too much going on so the fic needs to take a backseat. Hope you all understand.

Anime: New image leaked of Chloe's Eevee in a performance costume. IDENTICAL to the one Serena's Eevee (Now Sylveon) wore back in the day. Also, another leaked image of Wallace and Lisa implies a Wallace Cup in Hoenn. A contest in Hoenn you say ;)?

Sounds like a golden opportunity to showcase (haha) her!

And even if not soon, we'll still have Clemont and Bonnie alongside Greninja so I can't complain! The odds are very very good of her returning in the next few months.


Red vs Cyrus:

Red walked in the throne room, expecting a fight. He remembered the events of the last few hours and what had happened. He remembered fighting Remi tooth and nail, he remembered getting sent back after defeating her, and most of all he remembered the look of fear on Cyrus's face when he was forced to contend with Red's true power. He had faith in his team, and he still had one more ace up his sleeve if Cyrus managed to overpower his team with Dialga and Palkia, and Giratina.

Red walked in the throne room once again, his footsteps echoing softly as he walked towards Cyrus and the two trainers from Torren.

Red and Cyrus made contact for a few moments that may as well have been hours, Cyrus glared at Red, and Red stared back with an empty gaze.

"So I guess it's time, huh?" Red said with a smirk

"Yes, I suppose it is," Cyrus replied

"To the end?" Red said

Cyrus nodded, "Until you beg for mercy or die,"

Red laughed, "Heh, we'll see about that, let's go Pikachu!"

Red's Pikachu landed softly, and gently sparked its cheeks.

"Pika Pi!" Red's Pikachu hopped up and down

Cyrus smirked and sent out his Weavile, landing softly and revealing several deadly claws.

"Weavile!" Cyrus's Weavile issued a challenge to Pikachu that Red's pokemon readily accepted

Without issuing a command, Red's Pikachu took off.

It vanished into thin air, and materialized right above its foe, slamming into its target. It seemed to be moving faster than any normal quick attack could, from an outside perspective this attack seemed to be even faster than an extreme speed attack launched from a Lucario or Arcanine.

Weavile cried out in pain and tried countering with an ice punch, but Pikachu was too fast, and moved its tail just right so Weavile tripped on it.

Weavile crashed to the ground, and Red pointed at Weavile

Without even thinking twice, Pikachu leapt into the air and launched a gentle jolt of electricity at Weavile, paralyzing it.

Pikachu landed happily, waiting for some more action.

Cyrus growled angrily and shouted, "Weavile, brick break!"

Red snapped his fingers, and Pikachu jumped up in the air and fired off a massive thunderbolt that landed squarely on Weavile's head.

Cyrus was about to issue another order, but Red had other plans.

"Volt tackle," was all that Red needed to say and Pikachu got the memo

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