Chapter 8

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A/N: You guys are awesome. Thanks for all the support!

I'm working as fast as I can, but I work a lot + schoolwork. 3x a week is my goal. And we have a LOT of story to cover

Alas, you came here for a chapter and a chapter is what this chap shall provide, and so your humble scribe returns to the grind.

XYZ Ash in JN Chapter:

Latias Air flight to Melemele Regional Airport will start boarding in ten minutes, all travelers please report to gate E10.

"Goh, I understand your goal, but is it truly necessary to bring a suitcase full of poke balls? That's just unreasonable!" Chloe said frustrated

"Don't hate! I have my goals," Goh said with a humpf

"Uhhhh Goh, I think Chloe might be on to something, you've sorta overpacked, you know you can buy stuff there right?" Ash said, siding with Chloe

"Well, umm they're cheaper in Kanto!" Goh said defensively

"Goh, they're made in Kalos. They're only cheaper in Kalos. The rate is the same everywhere else, take this from me, because I actually study and do my homework," Chloe said

"I don't do any homework and I knew that," Ash said with a smile

Chloe rolled her eyes, "Yes Ash, I'm well aware your schooling isn't your strongest suit,"

Ash laughed at that, "Yeah, school never was my favorite place as a kid. I always hated math the most, those numbers never did stack up well for me," Ash said

Goh laughed, "Explains why you almost bought four plane tickets,"

"It was the website's fault," Ash said with his arms crossed, defending himself

"And my name is professor Samuel Oak, world-renowned pokemon researcher," Goh said sarcastically

"No it's no- oh wait," Ash said

Chloe rolled her eyes and walked towards the jet bridge, "You boys coming? You too Eevee!" Eevee headbutted a napping Pikachu who was next to her and walked off towards her trainer. Ash and Goh ran after her, each trying to get the window seat

Ash did not get the window seat, and he was stuck next to Chloe again. Or "stuck" would be the incorrect term here, he actually quite enjoyed her company. She was nice and always knew the right thing to say. Also, her Eevee clearly enjoyed Pikachu's company so that was a good sign. Pokemon usually reflect the feelings of their trainers. Ash briefly thought about if a pokemon cuddling Pikachu in his sleep meant that her trainer wanted to do the same but he shrugged off the thought. He'd have a long flight ahead of him, and hopefully, he'd fall asleep so he wouldn't be jetlagged to all hell when he got to Alola.

Ash dozed off, closing his eyes, dreaming of...... something pleasant..... strawberries?

Ash opened his eyes, the plane was dark, so it was clearly night out. Ash felt a weight on his shoulder, was that..... Was that Chloe?

Indeed, Chloe was fast asleep on Ash's shoulder and he didn't want to wake her up. So he did the only logical thing, and let the girl sleep. And he fell asleep again.

A few hours later, Ash opened his eyes again, Chloe still asleep on his shoulder, when Goh put a torn out slip from the in flight magazine with a message scribbled on it.

My two favorite Lovebirds


Ash looked at Goh and then at the message, and then back at Chloe and it finally clicked. Ash blushed and shook his head. Just then, the in-flight announcement system came on.

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