Chapter 12

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a/n: Sorry about the late upload, I finally saved up enough money from my job to pay for a gaming PC, so I was up really late building that.

Xyz Ash in JN POV:

Ash was on the beach, with Goh and Chloe, having a grand time. They played a game of beach volleyball with their pokemon helping, where Chloe and Eevee beat Pikachu and Ash. Ash got revenge in the next round, however, using Greninja and Pikachu to beat Goh and Cinderace alongside Chloe and Eevee.

After a long day of swimming, games, and hanging out by the ocean, Goh retired and went back to Kukui's house to get some much-needed rest.

The sun was setting over the sea, and Ash was sitting awfully close to Chloe

"So Ash, tell me, are you enjoying the future?" Chloe asked Ash

"Well, I mean honestly I'm enjoying it more and more, you and Goh have been such amazing friends, and I really appreciate the both of you so much," Ash said, and then yawned

A silence began, but not uncomfortable.

"Well, maybe it was an accident, or maybe it was fate, but I'm happy you're here Ash, I'd never go to Alola otherwise!" Chloe said with a giggle

Ash smiled, "Yeah, I'm glad to be here also, I guess I'm lucky enough to have good friends wherever I go,"

Chloe and Ash watched the sunset, and Ash's hand inched towards Chloe's, by instinct? Or maybe something else

Chloe felt Ash's finger graze over her hand and she blushed immediately. Chloe looked at Ash with her red cheeks and saw Ash lying down on the beach.

Oh, he was asleep. Chloe sighed, it seemed like fate had cheated her out of a romantic experience. Maybe she'd get another one eventually, but for now, she'd make the most of it and just hold his hand.

Either way, it had only been a few days, and Chloe could easily say it was the best vacation ever.


Ash woke up about twenty minutes later, with Chloe asleep, his hand entwined in hers.

Chloe opened her eyes as well, and both of them made eye contact and blushed.

"Hey Ash," Chloe said nervously

"Uhhh hi Chloe, sorry about-"

Just then, Chloe's Rotom Phone buzzed and she reached for it, breaking the awkward moment.

Chloe showed Ash her phone, "Oh! Ash, your next match has been posted! You're battling in Galar!"

"Oh! Who's that mean-looking girl?" Ash said

"Do... do you know who Gloria is?" Chloe questioned

Ash shook his head, "Nope, care to explain?"

"Well, she's the tenth-ranked trainer in the world right now, and she's known for being...... colorful with her language. As well as incredibly powerful, her Cinderace has hospitalized many pokemon, and even a few trainers who got on her bad side," Chloe said

"Oh..... she sounds fun," Ash nervously scratched his head

"You'll be fine! Goh and I will be here for ya every step of the way," Chloe smiled at Ash

"Thanks! I'm excited now!" Ash jumped up and yawned

"Well, it's getting late, and I should get some rest," Ash said before walking towards the house. Ash paused for a moment, as if he were debating saying something, and turned around, facing towards Chloe.

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