Chapter 39

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Fic: The end draws near. Only a few chapters remain before this story ends. I'm excited to share with you all!

Anime: Also, new info leaked. April 1st is the Clemont and Bonnie reunion episode alongside an epic battle with Drasna.

April 8th is titled, "Sylveon and reunions!" But I'm not getting my hopes up for Serena's return. For all we know the reunion could be with Wallace :/

April 29th is Greninja returning episode and it seems like he'll train Lucario!

Maybe this will age poorly on my prediction haha. I hope I'm wrong but I suspect otherwise

Personal: A new start for me is coming soon. A lot is happening these next few months, and closing out one chapter of life for another is always strange.

Back to the story.....



Ash awoke with water in his face, quickly spitting out the rain water and blinking rapidly as he stood up to get water out of his eyes. Ash rubbed his sleeve over his forehead, noticing how soaked his clothes were already despite being in this new area after a short moment.

Ash looked around, he was unsure of where exactly he was, but wherever it was, it didn't seem dry to say the least. Ash was absolutely SOAKED, it was like faucets were coming down from the sky. He hadn't seen rain like this ever in his lifetime, and that was saying a lot.

He heard distant thunder rumble in the distance, and then again, and again and again. Whatever was going on, this was no ordinary storm and one that would not soon be forgotten.

Ash then noticed a pack of Wingul flying terrified overhead and gulped.

He knew where he was exactly!

This was Hoenn, and a massive storm in Hoenn could only mean one thing.

This was the Aqua Crisis and he'd have to be the one to stop this tragedy from going any further.

Ash cursed to himself as he helplessly tried to wipe more water off of his brow despite knowing it'd fill up again.

"Whatever," Ash muttered to himself as he called out his Latios.

His Latios glared at him angrily, considering he stole it and captured it with a Master Ball.

Latios shrieked and was about to fly away before Ash held out the ball, silencing it.

"Oh please, throw a fit later. We have more pressing matters on our hands, do you feel that rain? Of course you do, there's a disaster going on and if we aren't careful or helpful thousands of people are going to die,"

Latios scoffed

"Yeah, surprising I know. Me doing the right thing for once, but there's other factors to me playing the hero. Primarily not being wiped from existence by a god teaming up with a maniac,"

Latios looked back at Ash as if he were crazy

Ash sighed and waved his hand, "Never mind, just please take me to the eye of the storm, that's where we'll find Kyogre and Archie,"

Latios glared at Ash, but nonetheless touched down on the ground, reluctantly allowing Ash to climb on his back.

Ash wrapped his arms around Latios's neck, and then Latios showed why he was known as the jet pokemon.

Within a few short moments, Latios had flown all the way across the sea and gotten towards the cave of origin at the eye of the storm.

The wind was calmer here, and the rain was much lighter, little more than a simple drizzle.

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