Chapter 10

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A/N: Back @ it!

Remember. The Sinnoh-Alola swap is in an ALTERNATE. UNIVERSE

Alola Ash in Sinnoh POV:

Ash was out for breakfast with Dawn, just enjoying himself a few hours before his big matchup against Paul.

Brock made up some excuse about having an important phone call with his med school, so it was just Ash and Dawn hanging out. Alone, but there was nothing weird about that, right?

"So Ash, tell me more about your recent travels," Dawn inquired as Ash dug into yet another stack of pancakes

"Well, I mentioned Alola, but for the first time ever, I didn't really travel too much, I slept in the same bed almost every night," Ash said

"Why?" asked Dawn

"I went to school!" Ash said

Dawn started laughing

"What's so funny!" Ash said defensively

"Nothing! I mean it's just that you never struck me as the type to sacrifice adventure for education!" Dawn said

Ash shook his head, "Oh there wasn't as much schoolwork as you'd think, I spend, or uhhh spent so much time outside and training an awesome team,"

Dawn smirked, "More awesome then your Sinnoh crew?"

Ash shrugged, "Guess you'll have to wait and see!" Ash said with a smile

Ash continued devouring inhuman numbers of pancakes, astounding all who watched

Dawn rolled her eyes, "So, what makes Alola special enough to stay like that? I mean school must be cool and all, but there's gotta be more to make Alola special enough to keep Ash Ketchum in one place for that long,"

Ash laughed, "I mean it's just the Alolan way of life I guess, it's like exactly the way I like living, people and pokemon are so much closer in Alola," Ash said

"That's surprisingly a very well thought out answer Ash," Dawn said with a giggle, "So, how are the people in Alola, I'm sure this isn't a question but have you made some friends there?" Dawn said

"Oh yeah!" Ash said, "I live with the regional professor, and I have so many amazing classmates, there's Mallow who's this amazing cook, Lana is amazing at fishing, and Sophocles is super smart! Kiawe is my rival and he's super strong, and then there's Lille, Lille is uhhhh special,"

Dawn felt her heart slightly drop upon hearing that last part. However, she kept a smile up and just played along, "Like a girlfriend type of special?"

"What? No! No! She just has some issues with her family, and she had a fear of touching pokemon," Ash said

"Oh," Dawn felt awful

"I mean if you're asking if there's anyone special like that in my life? Not anymore, there was a girl in Kalos, but uhhh hardly anything ever happened, and we haven't talked ever since she said goodbye," Ash said

Dawn was surprised by Ash's density decreasing. He was never like this in Sinnoh, but maybe the larger group helped? Or just hormones

"Oh, I'm sorry," Dawn said, before blurting out another question, "So uhh what happens to me in the future?"

Ash smiled, "You're doing great! After we stopped traveling together, you worked as a model with your Buneary for a bit, and then you returned to the contest scene and became a top coordinator in Kanto! I watched the whole match on the edge of my seat!" Ash said with a smile

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