Chapter 13

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a/n: I'm good doing daily chapters for now, but again, no guarantees.

I work a lot and attend school full time.

Also, once legends comes out, no promises

Anyways, here's the chapter

Sinnoh Ash in Alola POV:

He had won.

Ash Ketchum had won a pokemon league. Serena fell to her knees in shock.

His friends from earlier ran onto the battlefield, and no one was faster than that blonde girl. She wrapped Ash in a hug, and they made eye contact and shared a smile for a brief moment before Ash was swarmed by the rest of his friends.

"Ash you did it!" screamed the boy with red streaks in his hair. He smacked Ash on the forehead and let out a happy cry.

The green-haired girl joined in the group hug, "Ash, I'm so proud of you! You did it! You've won!"

The blue-haired girl joined in also, "Ash, it's over! You're the first-ever Alolan champion!"

Ash just looked in shock at those words, "Yeah, I'm the champion...."

He'd need to tell everyone in this group hug that he wasn't from this timeline. It wasn't fair to them. He'd spent less than a day in Alola, and now he was expected to be the region's champion? That wasn't fair to native Alolans.

Just then, Serena approached Ash, and he squeezed out of the group hug.

An awkward silence emerged between the two, neither knowing what exactly to say.

"Hey, good battle out there," Ash said, breaking the silence

"Yeah..... thanks," Serena said with a sigh, clearly disappointed.

"It's ok Serena, I know that you're gonna win a league with a team that strong, so next time we battle, it'll be even better than the last time," Ash said

Serena smiled, "Yeah, I can't wait,"

Ash offered her a hand, "Next time we battle, it'll be as the two strongest champions,"

She took Ash's hand and shook it, "I'm looking forward to that day, and I promise you it'll be the best battle of both of our lives"

Ash laughed at that, "Can't wait,"

"So what's your next move?" Ash questioned

"I think I'm going home to Kalos, I'm gonna try and dethrone the champion there," Serena explained

Ash nodded, "Well, I wish you the best of luck, see you around Serena, and don't forget our promise!"

"Not for the world," Serena said with a wave as she walked off

Ash looked for Pikachu, and couldn't find him on the battlefield. Until he looked to the stands, which caused him to snicker. Pikachu was crowd surfing, clearly having a blast. Ash just rolled his eyes.

Ash was approached by a man who was shirtless underneath the lab coat he was wearing,

"Ash, you did it! How's it feel to be our newest champ!" the man said excitedly

"Ummm I'm super excited!" Ash said quickly

"Awesome, because I'm having a party at my house tonight. But I gotta ask, why'd you not use your Alolan team in the finals? As cool as Infernape and Garchomp were, I think that your Alolan team would have done just as good of a job," The man said

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