Chapter 4

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A/N: The author is getting college decisions very very very soon. So this is a stress writing session! Thank you guys so much for the support.

JN Ash in Kalos POV:

"WHAT?!?!?!?!" Clemont shouted out

"Quiet down Clemont, please! We can talk this out!" Ash said desperately

"Ash you've gone crazy! Time travel is impossible. Science wouldn't allow anything like it!"

Ash sighed, "Clemont please, you know me. I'm not a liar, I'd never lie to you, you're one of my best friends,"

Clemont looked touched at the remark, "Oh.... but..... how..... what.... Why?"

Ash shrugged, "I don't know either. But please think rationally here. I'm not a liar, I show up with a new pokemon, new clothes that morning, Pikachu knows a new move and I own all of these valuable battle items. Come on Clemont, think straight here."

Clemont paused for a second and scratched his head. "It just goes against everything I know, it doesn't make sense. Time travel is impossible, but you being a thief isn't,"

Ash's eyes lit up and he pulled out his rotom phone, "Read the date Clemont,"

Clemont's eyes widened, reading a date almost a year into the future "You being a time traveler is impossible, but Ash Ketchum successfully hacking a Rotom Phone is even more impossible!"

Ash smiled, "So do you believe me?"

Clemont took off his glasses and started cleaning them, thinking before he spoke. "Yeah, yeah I guess I do believe you."

Ash jumped in happiness, "Awesome! But wait, I was going to ask. I saw in a movie once that had all this science about time travel. Can you tell me?"

Clemont's eyes widened and he smiled, "Well, I'm glad you asked........"

*10 mins later*

"Which theoretically means that if the multiverse theory is real, there are no real consequences to any actions in the past."

Ash spoke in a very puzzled tone, "Huh? What does that mean?"

Clemont rolled his eyes, "Nevermind, thanks for asking,"

Ash's expression suddenly hardened and he looked at Clemont, "Actually there's something I think you of all people need to know what happens in the future, considering what happens to your hometown..." Ash said solemnly

Clemont looked confused, "What do you mean, what happens to Lumiose?!"

Ash looked down, "A lot of people died. A horrible weapon was unleashed by Team Flare, and we defeated them, but many lives were lost in the process. I know the movie said it was wrong to change the past and it can mess up the future, but I can't sit by a second time knowing all of those people and pokemon are going to die if I don't stop it before it happens."

Clemont looked at the ground sadly, "Ash, if it already happened it's their fate to die as awful as it is. History can't be changed,"

Ash shook his head, "I already changed history just by beating Wulfric on my first try. So if I'm changing things for the better, the most important thing is to save the lives of the people of Lumiose City."

"That's really mature of you Ash. I'm impressed with you, seriously. I guess if we're changing the future, let's do it as a team."

Ash smiled, "Yeah, when it's time for the league I'm gonna take down the leader of Team Flare. I'll think of a plan and get you and your dad to help."

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