Chapter 7

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A/N: I'm having a stupid amount of fun with this fic

Just to clarify


Alternate. Universe.

As in- Not. Canon. Universe

JN Ash in Kalos POV:

Ash was almost in Lumiose City for the league finals, and it was getting harder and harder to maintain his secret.

First, he caught Bonnie spying on him and he just made up an excuse about his old pokemon, but the young girl kept on pestering him about getting Greninja back. So he had to deal with Bonnie being annoying because once her mind is set to a topic, there's no turning back.

Meanwhile, things with Serena were getting more and more awkward by the day, she was blatantly flirting with him around camp, and Ash started to question even his own feelings for her. It was more than just a desire to kiss her again at this rate, he loved spending time with her even more than he did during his Kalos adventure. He'd have to sort these feelings out sooner or later because he knew he'd regret it severely if he just let her go again. Ash sighed to himself, he'd have to tell her the truth eventually, because this was not sustainable in the slightest.

And Clemont was fine, honestly, he was closer to him now than he was back in Kalos on his first round, he helped Ash train and was the only person thus far who met his entire team. Bonnie just saw them, she hadn't met them yet.

The squad finally arrived in Lumoise and Ash confronted Clemont,

"Today is the day, today's the day we save Lumoise City. You know the plan?"

"We've been over this plan like ten times Ash, yes I know the plan," Clemont said as he rolled his eyes

"Well let's review one last time," Ash insisted

"Fine," Clemont said with a sigh

"Step one, you use the sewer access from the gym to sneak into Lysandre's apartment," Clemont said

"Step two, you use Gengar to hover you silently to his door, and use Pikachu to gently zap it open," Clemont said

"Step three, meanwhile, I break into Lysandre Labs HQ next door, and steal all of their data, and send that data to the police," Clemont said nervously.

"Step four, I confront Lysandre and if Gengar can't subdue him, I crush him in a battle and boom Lumoise is saved," Ash said with a smile

"Yeah, what could go wrong?" Asked Clemont

"Not much, not much at all," Ash said


The night came quickly, Clemont led everyone to the tower for lodging and the moment everyone seemed asleep, Ash snuck out and met Clemont in the basement of the tower.

"Ugh, it smells awful! What do you keep down here?" Ash asked Clemont

"Just my invention stuff, why? I can't smell anything?" Clemont said

"Agree to disagree, let's get this show on the road," Ash said

"Forgetting something?" Clemont asked as he held up a black jumpsuit and ski mask for both him and Ash to wear.

"Oh, yeah I uhhh I think I'll need that,"

Ash went behind a bench and got changed into the black jumpsuit and ski mask.

Clemont nodded and lifted the cover for the manhole which was conveniently located in the basement of the gym

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