Chapter 1

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It was a wonderful summer day. Y/N,  Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo were playing tag outside. Cheerfully chirps of bird singing in the distance could be heard.

"Ugh, why can't you two just stand still for a moment?" Y/N shouts after their  friends who were running away from them.
Tommy laughs "Are we too fast for you?" He asked with a teasing tone.
Ranboo chuckles at his comment as he continues to run. The h/c colored (boy/girl/other) rolls their eyes and continues to chase their friends.
Tubbo, the bee loving, former president of L'manberg, shows up behind them. He was hiding behind a nearby spruce tree and watched everything. "Hey Y/N~", He teased as he taps Y/N's shoulder. They flinch for a second before turning to Tubbo. "You better run!" Tommy jokingly shouts. "Not before I catch you!" Y/N says right as they are about to catch Tubbo. He tries to run away but he doesn't make it and shortly afterwards he feels Y/N's warm hand on his shoulder.
"Got you!"

It was comfortably warm outside. Citizens were outside selling lots of different types of things. Niki, for example, was selling freshly baked bread from her own, self-made bakery. Everyone loves it. CaptainPuffy, on the other hand, was selling different types ofpotions and healing plants. Poision, health or speed potions. Nobody really knows where she gets that from, but most importantly is that they help. There were lots of other stands like Foolish's statue stand. He's selling different sized statues of lots of people like DreamXD. He often comes around to look at his, with emeralds decorated, statue.

CaptainPuffy notices the group of teenagers and smiles. She was glad that they had fun and just played around, told silky jokes and all that what kids would do. Tubbo eventually notices and waves at Puffy with a smile. The sheep hybrid silently waves back. "hey kids", she says, "Want something to eat?" She watches how every single one of them is looking in her direction.

"That's delicious! Did Niki make it?" Tommy asks after grabbing another peace of bread, strawberry marmalade covering it. Puffy nods and places down a plate with apples, "Yeah, she did!" She answers. "Tell her that we absolutely loved it!" Puffy smiles again, "I will!"

After everyone finished, it began to get late and the teenagers had to leave.
"Thanks again Puffy!" Y/N thanks Puffy. "No problem, kids." The group was about to leave but got held back my Puffy. Ranboo made a confused look and was about to open is mouth to talk. Puffy cut him off before he could even start. "I forgot to mention one thing", She says while moving to a nearby enderchest. Purple particles surrounding it. The brown haired woman grabs out a netherite sword, shimmering in purple, and eventually reflecting the shining light from a small lighting bulb placed in the middle of the room. "Be careful when you see Bad, alright? He's been acting really weird lately."

BadBoyHalo or Bad was a nice guy on the server. Why should they worry about him? He helps with a lot of things like helping Niki in her bakery or help mining stuff for Punz' armory stand. Y/N met him before, when L'manberg was exploded they saw him walking around, healing lots of citizen who got hurt. He has such a warm heart and he never swears.

Wiping their thoughts away, Y/N asks, "Bad? Why should we worry about him?" "Yeah..." Ranboo trails off but gets back to his words. "Isn't he literally the nicest person on the server?" Puffy lets out an exhausting sigh. "Okay," she starts, "Something in him has changed."
Puffy doesn't want to tell them the full story of what has happened. She doesn't want them to search him or something like that. What if something happens to her little children?

Now Tommy wanted to know too.
He usually doesn't care about Bad but now he might have gotten interesting.
"Well" Tommy starts, "What has changed?"
Puffy hesitated and thought of an answer. She gently puts her left hand on Tommy's shoulder. She gave him a small smile. "Listen. I don't know what has changed, but he's very strange and out for a kidnapping trip." 'Not exactly like that.' The brown haired woman thought,  'But it's better if I scare them.'
When she finished she handed Tommy the netherite sword. He nods in understanding. "Just..." Puffy trils off, "Just make sure to get home healthy."

The squad nods and soon thereafter left Puffy. She takes a deep breath in and slides to the ground. "I really hope they'll be fine..."

The walk home was silent. Nobody really knows what to say other then that was Puffy told them. But nobody wanted to talk about it.
The sky became darker and darker by the minute. It must be around 8pm by the time. All the birds that chirped just hours ago were gone silent. And many citizens had gone to sleep. Tubbo and Ranboo would sleep in Snowchester, Tommy in his dirt house, and you in a house nearby Snowchester. This time tho, they planned  a sleepover at the Beeduo's house.
Now they were halfway there. The sun was going down in the faint mountains. Water, that was coming our of a nearby waterfall, was shining from it.

"So..." Tommy starts, "Are we gonna talk about what Puffy said?"
Ranboo stayed quiet.
Tubbo was about to answer but cuts himself up just before he spoke. Instead he looked up at the voice he just heard. Everyone did.

"Hello kids."

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