Chapter 18

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Bad lead them to the Spider spawner. It was covered in those vines. Ranboo didn't feel safe around them. He wanted to leave again but he couldn't leave Techno alone. Techno might be very strong. But he wasn't a god. He could still get hurt or infected and Ranboo definitely didn't want that. It was enough for him that Tommy got infected.
His invisibility effect was over in four minutes. Lucky for him, he still had two more. But two propably weren't enough. He had to think about something later, now he had to listen to Bad and Techno. Both stood infront of the egg talking to it. Ranboo realised that that was a red flag. He quickly stumped across the room, trying to not step on the vines who layed on the grond slithering across the whole floor.
Ranboo was disgusted by them.
He approached the Egg, but didn't go too far. It was glowing red and it's vines curled up the walls and tangled down from the ceiling.

Techno jumped away when a vine tried to grab him. He drew his sword out and slashed it into two pieces. The Egg screamed in pain. Both Ranboo and Techno had to cover their ears. "Hey okay, let's not do that again." Bad suggested, holding back an angry yell. "Egg, don't attack him. That's not nice!"
Techno only stared at Bad, confused but also a tiny bit crept out.
"So this egg. Can it really control anyone?" He asked, suspecious of this whole thug going on.
Bad, of course shook his head. "No of course not! It just gives you what your heart desires if you stay on its side. It's simple. You do something for the Egg, and the Egg does something for you in return." He sensed over to Techno who surprisingly seemed a bit shocked by the Egg.

Bad had an idea.

"Hey. You know what? Let's go-" Bad got interupted by a loud noise. He groaned in frustration as Puffy, the sheep hybrid, jumped into the scene. Ranboo was surprised to see her. Maybe he could ask her about Y/N later.
"Hi Puffy" Techno smiled. He let out a sigh of relief. Puffy greeted him but got serious when she met with Bad's eyes again. "Bad. What is this? You don't want to capture Techno, right?"

"N-no! Of course not!" He hesitantly asnwered, glaring at her while crossing both his arms. "As I said. Should we go-" Suddenly, a scream echoed through the room. It sounded painful and hurt. Someone else was here.
"What waa that?" Bad looked around, scanning the whole room.
Techno turned around. He realised that Ranboo was still here, watching them.

'Ranboo. You had one job.' He thought.
Puffy and Techno followed Bad, also looking for the person. "Ranboo?" Bad asked. Ranboo stood some meters away from him, tears escaped his eyes and Bad knew why. There Ranboo stood, legs in a little pond. They got wet which lead to them burning. The pain was uncontrollably painful.

Bad smiled. He had just found his next victim. "Ranboo are you okay?" He put on his innocent, sweet little voice on to sound as innocent as he could be, and held out his hand for Ranboo so he could get up.
Ranboos eyes widen, he nervously narrowed his eyes over to Techno. "I-I'm fine. It's fine." He gently took Bad's hand. "Thanks", Bad nodded, letting go of Ranboo's hand.
"Hey. Have you seen the Egg yet, Ranboo?" He looked at him, still smiling.
"N-no I haven't." "And he won't." Puffy quickly interupted, walking over and tossing Ranboo next to her. "He's a kid. I don't think that you need any kids in your cult." Techno looked up, sudden interest woke up in him. "What did you say? A cult?" Technoblade asked, bending his hands over to his netherite sword.   "Uhhh..." Bad mumbled something under his breath, slowly breathed in. "No! Of course not. You know what? Why don't we go up?"  He offered, trying to change the subject.
"Sure..?" Puffy and Techno followed Bad who quickly made his way up to the exit. Ranboo trackled up behind them, stumbling over some of those vines still laying on the ground.

"Take a seat!" Bad smiled, sitting down on his seat. Techno sat down and Ranboo next to him. Puffy sat on the other side of where Techno was. The building was shaped like an egg. Chrimson blocks were used to cover it all up.
On the inside was a table stuck in the middle of the room. Cobblestone chairs were placed all around it.

Ranboo uneasy sat down next to Techno. He felt like he was being watched and he honestly just wanted to leave. But he couldn't just yet and he knew that. "So" Bad spoke, a tint of nervousness was noticeable. "Techno," he turned to Techno "What do you think?"
Techno speculated and tried to come up with a clear answer. Bad nervously fidgeted with his fingers, making funny movements and staring at them without moving. There was silence for a brief moment, then Techno cleared his throat and began. "Well, I don't care about it. It's weird." Bad nodded "alright" then he turned to Ranboo, scanned him for a brief moment and grinned, nodding to himself quickly. "So, Ranboo." Ranboo looked at Bad, clearly scared. His heart was beating much faster now. He didn't want to look at him. "What do you think of the Egg? You saw it, didn't you?"
Yes, he did saw it, but he didn't touch it mostly because he didn't want to.
"Yes, but I-I don't want anything to do w-with this. I -I don't want to get involved. I don't want anyone of my friends to get involved."
Puffy's eyes widened. She immediately knew what he meant.
Her expression changed into a mad one. "Bad. We are going to leave now." She wanted to get Ranboo out of there as quick as possible. Puff knew Bad's new self well enough to know that something bad is going to happen, and that Bad is planning something.
"But the Egg wants you to be involved, Ranboo. Bad said, completely ignoring that what Puffy just said. "I-" Ranboo stood up, getting his stuff. He just wanted to leave now. And he's going to. "I-I'm leaving." Bad's eyes widen. "Nonono wait! Please." He cried, begging for him to stay. Ranboo, who obviously was too kind hearted, gave in and sat back down.
Bad exhaled, satisfied. "Perfect!"

They talked for a little longer. Puffy eventually got really bored of it.
Everything went fine until Bad said something which caused Ranboo to get a bit more worried.
"Techno. You like Ranboo, don't you?" He grinned, his cold, white eyes staring directly into Techno's eyes. "Uhhh, yes, I do?" Bad nodded "So you don't want anything to happen to him, right?"
Ranboo looked at Bad, not believing what he said. He thought that this was way too suspecious. "Certainly not..?" Techno was really unsure about this whole conversation. He had a really bad feeling about this.

They talked for a bit. Puffy joked about the Egg here and then. Bad didn't like it at all. She made some stupid comments about it and now Bad was extremely annoyed at Puffy and her talking bad over the Egg. He was sick and tired of it. The Egg wants him to kill her, so he kinda had to. "Techno? Can you please leave?" He asked, sounding very annoyed and tired. Techno hesitated for a moment and looked at Ranboo who only nodded slowly, signaling for him that hell be alright. "Uhhh.. sure?" He then finally said. Techno stood up, glanced over to Puffy and Ranboo once more before exiting the building. A relieved breath escaped Bad. Now that Techno was out of sight he could easily defeat Puffy and trap Ranboo.

"Now, Puffy. It's time you finally die!!" He drew out his axe and started attacking Puffy. The attack was so sudden that she didn't have time to react. Bad swung his axe directly in the direction of Puffy's stomach. He was about to hit her and end her life.

But he wasn't fast enough

Techno stopped him. His sword holding Bad's axe on the ground. He made a left turn, narrowed his sword down, also taken Bad's axe down. Techno somehow managed to get Bad's axe trapped in his sword. "We won't do that, Bad." He warned, smiling at Bad before turning his sword and making him lose his axe. He quickly equipped his diamond sword and ate a golden apple before going back to the fight.
Ranboo jumped into the fight as well. Equipping his axe, he approached and attacked Bad as well.
The demon ran around the table, trying to get away. He needed to press the button umderneath the table by his seat. He needed to trap Ranboo.
Bad glanced over to his seat where the button was hidden. If he presses it and make Ranboo fall down then everything would go after the plan.
His gaze faded over to Techno who ran towards him, sword equipped. Bad, of course ran away, towards his seat. "We can talk about this!" He shakingly said. You could hear how nervous and scared he was.
Now Bad was cornered. Techno was on on the left, Puffy on the right and Ranboo jumped in top of the table to get a good shot. Bad swung at him with caused Ranboo to fall and accidently drop his sword. He equipped his axe quickly thereafter. Bad took that opportunity to press the button as fast as he could. Puffy and Techno swung at him and Ranboo stood up, preparing to fight.
Bad pressed the button quick. Now the trap door was open and no one noticed. Not even Ranboo.

Bad was cornered again. Just a small window was to his left. He scanned over his inventory, equipping some enderpearls. If he would throw them in the right angle, then he would be out of there and on his way to the Egg, telling it to cut off the trapdoor so no one could save Ranboo when he falls down. He needed to trap Ranboo. Ranboo needed to fall into the hole.

"OH NO!" Ranboo screamed. Everyone turned around which gave Bad the opportunity to escape. Ranboo stumbled over the trapdoor and fell down.

"Techno! Help!!"

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