Chapter 24 (actually)

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Your POV

I walked down the prime path for the 100th time now propably. I lost counting some weeks ago. The cold wood planks squealed when I stepped on it too hard. It was annoying and the noise was making me angry. Those sounds always annoyed me. It's like when you want everything and everyone to be silent for once but this little sound is interupting that silence.

The weather was cold, the complete opposite from what it was some weeks ago when everything was still normal. God, I missed those days where Tubbo, Ranboo, Tommy and I were being silly together, played games, ate ice cream and were having fun. I missed them, I really did but I guess you can't change that. It's their fault if they don't believe and get slaughtered by Tommy and those other psychopathic, worshipping eggpeople. Was that even a word? 'Eggpeople'?

It wasn't but I didn't care.

Suddenly, a figure jumped infront of me, I immediately backed away to not get hit. I soon realised that it was no other than Antfrost. I recognised him immediately after his tale shifted playfully from the left to the right. He turned around just as fast as he jumped infront of me and then I saw that he used an enderpeal. I saw one in his hands before it disappeared in his inventory. Makes sense because he just appeared so fast and because I backed away, I didn't really see the particles that would always appear when you land after throwing an enderpeal.

Shit. What am I supposed to do now? Run? Talk to him? I should run.
As soon as I thought that I felt my legs set into action and ran. I ran and ran and ran. I ran up the little hoe where Tommy's house stood on. Maybe I could hide in there. No. That wouldn't work because as soon as I ran, Ant followed. But he didn't equip a sword or any kind of weapon. He only had a piece of paper in his hand. I ran a bit further than Tommy's house actually. I ran until I was at his hotel that was now owned by Jack Manifold.

He called for me and I stopped running. I didn't know why I stopped, all I know is that I did and because I was tired and not in the mood to run for another like 100 miles.

"What do you want, Antfrost?" I sighed, saying his full name to sound a little more confident. To my surprise, he was out of breath too. When I turned around I saw that he still hadn't drew his sword or a bow or a shield. Something was weird.

He stuttered a bit because he was breathing heavily to get more fresh air. "I-I have something for.. you." His voice sounded different. The last time I talked to him was when he and Bad attacked me, atleast I think it was. Well, I didn't remember if we even talked or that he said anything. Wait. Where even was Bad?

I scoffed. "What is it? Why are you alone here, where's Bad...?" If I'm being honest, I didn't like this at all. Something told me that this wasn't right. Antfrost only stared into the distance seeming distracted. I snapped my fingers and he focused back on what he wanted to say. "Right.." He said "sorry,"
He still had the piece of paper in his hands and looked at it before handing it to me.

What's this? I took the letter and looked at it. It said:

You are invited to the Red Banquet!

We, the Eggpire decided to turn over a new leaf and to make a party!
If you come:
-Don't take any armor with you    
-don't take any weapons with you
-come with something that is red

The event will take place on Saturday the 25th at 21:00 pm

After reading the letter I looked back at Antfrost. An invite to a festival, huh? I wonder if Tubbo and Ranboo are gonna be there too. "Who else is gonna be invited?" I asked, curiosity rising up in me. Antfrost didn't answer immediately. (He still didn't answer your question about Bad, idiot)
He seemed hesitant. "Well, me and Bad want to invite Puffy, Sam, Bad's son Sapnap, your friends and some others! It's gonna be great!"

The mention of your former friends made me rise up. So they are coming too? I guess I'm going too then.
It wasn't the best choice I made but I wanted to see Tubbo and Ranboo and Tommy again. Even tho they didn't care for me anymore, I did. And I wanted to make sure they are okay.

Antfrost interupted my deep thoughts by saying one pecific thing that triggered something in me. His posture changed into a more professional one and he cleaned his throat. His tail stopped to swing from left to the right. "I'm really sorry about the things we did. Bad was going mad. I couldn't do anything about it." His tail now flopped down just like his ears and you could see that his eyes weren't as red as before the conversation. "And the Egg, oh. The Egg." His voice changed, the aura changed, his eyes stayed the same purplish tone. Atleast they weren't a bright red.
"The Egg, it" He blinked a few times "It gave me comfort. It helped me. All I wanted was to feel better after Bad had gone mad. And I felt better." He eventually realised that he got out of topic. "Sorry," His eyes changed back to red. "What I'm trying to say is that I'm really sorry. Bad isn't here because he's still planning some strings for the party. He's propably decorating."

I needed a minute to proceed this. Ant talked about the Egg as if I was a god. It didn't sound too bad. Maybe I should visit it too sometime, I needed a bit comfort too after all.
No, nono! He's trying to make me feel bad. The Egg is evil. It took Tommy away from us and tried to infect Ranboo.
It's bad.

"Are you coming? I can understand if you're not. We did do some shitty things after all." His position changed a bit. Now he looked more comfortable as if he was almost sure that I would come. I mean- I would say yes, yeah. But only to check on Ranboo and Tubbo and propably Tommy as well.  

"Yes. I'll come."

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