Chapter 17

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"Tubbo! Wait for me!" Ranboo shouted, running behind Tubbo who was far ahead of him. "You shouldn't have left!
Y/N is our friend!" Tubbo turned around, still mad. He just wanted to leave and never see you again. "They were our friend." He corrected, anger written in his face. "But-" "No! I don't want to talk to them again!" Tubbo continued to walk further away, Ranboo following. They walked across the bridge that lead to snowchester. Tubbo wanted to see Michael all of the sudden, so Ranboo went with it. Just some minutes later, Ranboo got a message. He opened his chatbar and looked inside. Technoblade sent him a message. 'What does he want?' Ranboo questioned. He read the message silently in his mind.

'Bad wants to show me this egg he always talks about. Wanna come?'

Ranboo sighed but couldn't help to smile at that. Technoblade never really wrote messages the way everyone else did. He writes as simple as anyone could.
Ranboo nodded to hinself and decided to answer him. He quietly mumbled the words he wrote.

"Hello Techno!
Of course I'd like to come. I need to talk to you about something anyways. But I wouldn't trust Bad. Don't tell him that I'm coming too, okay?"

To be honest. Ranboo was kinda scared of Bad. The demon was way taller than him and way scarier. And since that egg problem, he's been acting really strange. Ranboo doesn't want to get his friend Techno hurt. He doesn't want to get any of his friends hurt. Y/N already got hurt from Bad but they aren't Ranboo's friends anymore. Well, that's what Tubbo said. But that didn't matter at the moment. What mattered was Techno's meeting with Bad. "Hey uh, Tubbo?" Tubbo, who stood at the end of the bridge and was about to jump off, turned around, glancing annoyed at him. "What?"
Ranboo flinched back, surprised at Tubbo's annoyed tone. "I- uhh... Technoblade messaged me. I have to go and meet him." He nervously held eye contact with him "It's important."

Tubbo shrugged, "okay" he said before jumping off the bridge and shouting: "Have fun, Ranboo."

Ranboo walked through the portal that lead to the area where Techno and Philza lived. He looked around after arriving and exiting the portal. Bad was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he didn't arrive yet, maybe he did. Ranboo didn't have time to think about that. He shrugged off his thoughts and started to walk in the direction to the house of Techno.
His feet hit the cold snow. It was freezing and making a crunch sound when he stepped on it.

Ranboo liked snow. It was nice and cold. You can do snowball fights and build snowmen and snowangels. Basically a lot of things. Ranboo remembered last Christmas where everything was full with snow. The streets, the buildings and the water at church prime was frozen.
It was a really great christmas. Even Tommy could visit L'manberg even tho he was in exile.

Ranboo arrived at Techno's house. It stood right next to Philza's. A beacon in a pond was between the two buildings. Fish swam in the pond. It was tiny as hell but the fish swam there anyways.
Techno's house was mainly white. Logs out of spruce wood held it all together. There was a staircase leading to Techno's door and a bridge leading to Philza's house.
Ranboo smiled and jogged up the stairs. Techno opened the door before Ranboo could knock. "Hey Ranboo. How's it goin'?" Techno asked, smiling. "Oh, it's been going just great." He answered, obviously sarcastic. Techno's smile faded just as quick as it appeared. "Okay.. Well I've been fantastic." Ranboo smiled now. "That's great. So, when is Bad coming?" He quickly changed the subject because he didn't want to think about his friends at the moment.
Techno took a quick glance to his watch. "Any minute. You are perfectly in time." Techno answered while looking out the window, forming his fingers into a thumps up for Ranboo. "There he is" He turned to the enderman hybrid. "Take these potions. It's invisibility so he won't see you." Ranboo nodded, taking the potions and drinking one of them. 4 are left. He turned invisible within a second. And just in time because now Bad knocked at the wodden door.
Techno opened it, feeling kinda nervous. He heard about that egg from Puffy before. Seing it by himslef would be cool, he always thought. But now he was nervous and slightly panicked. The door opened and Techno greeted Bad. "Hey Bad. How are you?" He tried to sound as polite as he could.

Ranboo watched and liked the fact that Techno was nervous for once.
Hopefully Bad didn't saw the particles behind Techno.  Bad would know that Ranboo was there and god knows what he would do to him.

"Hey Techno! I've been good, thank you. How are you and Phil?" Bad smiled. He sounded very innocent and kind. Little did Techno know that that was just to lure him to the Egg. "Well, I've been fantastic. I've got this nice polar bear named Steve. He's great." Bad looked in his cabin. There stood a polar bear with a name floating above its head. Ranboo didn't notice Steve before. He had short white fur. It was really soft. Ranboo noticed how big the polar bear's feet were. They were big with long, sharp claws. Steve had many sharp teeth in his mouth as well. Ranboo saw that because Techno just gave him a dead salmon.
He stared into Ranboo's eyes as if he saw him. With confusion, Ranboo looked around, panicking as he saw that the invisible potion was fading, and his eyes being visible again.
Before Bad could see anything, Ranboo quickly drank another potion of invisibility. Techno sighed in relief before smiling back at Bad who was luckily focused on something else. He seemed to like the polar bear.
"Alright. Wanna go?" Techno asked calmy, motion in for Ranboo to follow him. Bad nodded appily

"Yes! Let's go visit the Egg!"

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