Chapter 3

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"Go where exactly?"

Tommy froze. He pulled his hand away from the doorknob and eventually turned around.
"Oh.. h-hi Tubbo! Why are you awake so early?"
Tubbo let out a huff. He crossed his arms and looked at his friend. "Seriously? I could ask you the same question. Where are you going?" Tommy hesitated for a moment. He looked at Tubbo. His expression fastly relaxing, suddenly looking like he wasn't nervous at all. "Oh well, I just wanted to go for a walk real quick." He answered, chuckleling nervously after the he finished. "And that at 1:00 AM?" Tubbo didn't believe him one bit. He usually does, but because of Tommy being very odd this time, of course he didn't believe him. "I- uhh.." Tommy couldn't think of an good answer. But then he had an idea. Quickly, he searched through his inventory. His eyes eventually landed on a splash potion he bought from Puffy some days ago.
"You aren't going to see Bad, are you?"
Tommy didn't answer. The only thing he did was turning around and placing his left hand on the doorknob again while the other was grabbing his splash potion hard.
"Listen Tubbo." He faced his friend again. "I need to go to him. It's important."
"Why? What did he tell you?"

'Should I tell him?' Tommy thought. He didn't want to Tubbo to go with him and eventually put him in danger too. But he has to. Otherwise Tubbo wouldn't let him leave. Yes, Tommy could just throw that potion to make smoke appear around the room, but Tubbo would've been angry. Okay, he would be anyways, but that's not the point.

"Bad wants to break Dream out."

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