Chapter 12

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Everyone in town knew you. You were kind of the troublemaker with the other teenagers, but you were kind and helpful as well. Usually, you'd be around with your other 3 friends, but not today or for the rest of the week.
Some adults were actually confused on seing you without anyone else.

Now you were on your way on seeing Sam. You had to check on him and tell him about Tommy's behaviour.
The walk was just as silent as always. No music played while walking on the path.
You're eyes were focused on the ground, carefully watching every step you made.
Suddenly, voices reached your ear. Someone was there, talking nearby.
Filled with curiosity, you followed the talking and whispers. It sounded somewhat very familiar, like you heard it before. You just couldn't make out who it was.
Now you approached the people talking.
You hid somewhere safe as you saw them clearer now.
Badboyhalo, Antfrost and Tommy.
They were talking about that egg Puffy told you about.
You listened carefully and tried to make out most of the words they were saying.
"What should we do now?"
Antfrost mumbled, his ears twitched around as he heard different sounds. He needed to know if they were alone. Ant himself looked quite miserable. His eyes were a light tint of red. There wasn't any blue in them anymore.
Tommy had his arms crossed. Tubbo and Ranboo were luckily not with him.
His eyes were dull and a darker red. His expression looked lifeless. Some of these red vines were wrapped around him. He looked rather distracted then focused on what the others were saying.
Bad, who looked just like last time you saw him, noticed that.
"Tommy!" He groaned. "Focus! We aren't here for nothing!"
"Yes sir." Tommy murmured tiny bit scared. Maybe that egg didn't fully reach him.
Bad shrugged it off and turned to his friend Antfrost. "You know, we still have our plan. Tommy's friend's-"
You listened more than ever. With other words, he mentioned Ranboo, Tubbo and You. It was good that the others weren't with Tommy at the moment. Who knows what would've happened.
Suddenly, it hit you.
You had to tell them about this.
Bad suddenly stopped talking when he heard a crack behind him in a bush.
The bush you're hiding in.
His eyes began to glow a bright red as he approached you.
You gasped as you saw them approaching you. Filled with energy and fear, you tried to run away before they cod catch you. Of course they would kill you because you now knew why Tommy was only hanging out with the beeduo. But why ignoring you?
'Do they only want Ranboo and Tubbo?'
Many thoughts raised through your head as you began to run away as fast as you could.
"GET THEM!!!" You heard Bad shout and just some seconds later arrows shot towards you. Now wasn't the time to go to Sam. His house was too far away. Puffy was the nearest.
Her house was just 'right around the corner'. Confident, you nod to yourself, and turned left to Puffy's base.
Bad saw what you were doing. He opened the chat bar to message someone while his face stayed on an evil smirk.
A giggle escaped his mouth when he send it.
You looked back to Bad and Antfrost.


Where's Tommy?

Sudden fear ran all over your body once more. Where the hell did Tommy go?!
Was he going to convince Tubbo and Ranboo on joining whatever cult he was in? You have to warm them.

An arrow shot towards you which brought you back to reality. Your heart pounded fastly as a massive wave of pain overflew your left leg, fresh blood dripping from it, and landing on the ground. The sudden shock and pain caused you to fall. A shadow leaned over you.
You moved around, back faced to the ground and your face watching how Bad and Ant approached you.
More blood was dripping from the open wound. The pain got worse so you tried to make the bleeding stop a bit.
The arrow was still stuck inside.
Atleast no more blood will come out of it if you didn't pull it out.
"That arrow must be bothering you, right?" Bad smirked, looking at the said arrow stuck in your wound. He bends down next to you and fastly grabbed it and pulled it out with force, causing more blood to drop.
"Oh fuck this..." You cursed under your breath soo quiet that even Bad himself couldn't hear it.
Silently, you placed your hands, dirty from the fall, on your wound, trying to stop the bleeding.
Bad held the arrow, covered with blood, in his hands. His eyes not leaving it. He turneed, and spinned it around a bit, until he noticed a green liquid also dropping from it.
His smirk grew bigger, forming into a bigger grin, then a large smile.
"What poison did you use?"
He turned back to Ant, who looked into his inventory before answering.
"Simply one who can't kill you."
Bad only nodded in silence.
He threw the arrow away before turning back to you.
Bad walked closer to you and mumbled something you didn't understand.
You were distracted by the poison running through your body and your thoughts rushing through your head.
'This is just great. Will they also bring me to this egg? Will I die there?'
"Come on now. We don't want to waste our time here."
The demon got out some ropes to tie up your hands.
'I need to message Puffy. I'm an idiot. Why didn't I think of it earlier?'
You might couldn't walk right now. But you still had your free arms.
You drew out a sword to protect yourself. It was heavier than ever and you could could barely held it up.
Bad laughed, "come on, Y/N. We both know that you can put that sword away. It won't help you anyways."
You opened the little chat bar that would appear whenever you'd message someone. Some messages from Tubbo showed up. You didn't have enough time to look at them now. Puffy's chat was the next one to pop up. You fastly tipped some words with your right hand while your left one held your sword hard.
"Puffy help! Bad and Ant are here they want to bring me to this egg. Idk what to do!"
It was good that you could type fast. You used to be proud of that until you realised that pretty much everyone types quite fast.
The message got sent just in time before Bad gently took that sword of yours away, and proceeded to walk behind you to tie up your hands like he said.
You closed your eyes in defeat, hoping that Puffy would come soon. Maybe she didn't even see it. You wanted to facepalm yourself as you realised that she couldn't have red it now because you just sent it.
"What did you do to Tommy?" You knew the answer. They infected him, but you wanted to find out Bad's perspective as well. Your voice was just a quiet mumble, a whisper even. The poison in the arrow already settled in and you began to feel drowsy. You didn't even feel your legs anymore.
"We gave him a new perspective of certain things." Bad finally replied after fully tieing up your hands. He made a strong knot. It was almost impossible to untie it. Only he could.
You looked up, clearly concerned about your friend.
"What do you mean?"
Ant glared at you. His red eyes meeting yours, leaving you with a cold shiver running down your spine.
Bad nodded at him. He came closer and drew his sword out, his tail swinging from left to right. His expression changed into a lifeless stare as he raised his sword above you. You could see his eyes glowing bright.
"No more questions Y/N. People who knkw more than they are supposed to have to die." Bad looked back to Ant.

"Ant! Kill them."

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