Chapter 16

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"Ranboo! Tubbo!" You shout as you noticed them approaching McPuffy's.
It was 2:05pm which meant that they were 5 minutes late. You didn't mind tho, they had a long walk afterall. Tubbo saw you and waved while Ranboo looked at the ground, distracted by something different. Tubbo nudged his arm with his elbow. Ranboo looked up, smiling when he noticed you.

You arrived at McPuffys just 10 minutes earlier because the walk was way shorter then Tubbo's and Ranboo's. Puffy insisted on going with you, after what happened she didn't want anything like this to happen again. She eventually left after bringing you, and went back home.

After she returned from the talk, she told you about her conversation with Sam. The two had a plan. A plan to finally defeat the Eggpire once and for all. Sam had heard about a 'Red Banquet' a few days ago. In fact, he had overheard Badboyhalo and Antfrost weird talk. He didn't hear everything which was indeed bad. But he promised to find out more soon.
What sad is that Puffy or Sam both didn't tell you their plan. They said that, incase anyone gets kidnapped or infected, only they would know so no one could tell the Eggpire.

"Y/N! How are you?" Ranboo asked, his smile not leaving his face. He legitimately seemed happy to see you.
You couldn't help but hug him tight. He hugged you back. "I'm good, thanks. How are you and Tubbo?"
Ranboo looked back at Tubbo who stood some meters away.
"I'm fine, so is he." He turned back to you, his smile leaving him as his eyes glanced at your bandage around your left leg. "What happened there?"
'Ah shit. Of course he would notice this.'
You moved your leg away behind your other. Not wanting to show it. "Oh. Well," you chuckled nervously "I'll tell you later. I need to tell you and Tubbo something way more important." Tubbo tensed up at the mention of his name. He walked over, and stopped when he stood next to Ranboo. "Yeah, you wanted to talk. Should we go inside?" He asked, offering you to go inside first. "Yes, sure."

"So," Tubbo started, eating a piece from a burger he ordered. It was a simple hamburger. "What's so important?"
You didn't order anything because you weren't hungry at all. Ranboo ordered some french fries with chicken nuggets. "Okay," You anxiously breathed out, remembering what happened.
"You two need to be careful around Tommy! He's not the one you think he is." They both unbelievable stared at you, obviously not believing you. Tubbo started to laugh. "What do you mean? Are you joking?" He put his food down. You started to feel angry. "No! I'm not!!" Both hands slamming the table. An accident scream left your mouth, you got immediately quieter when you noticed. "Sorry.."  You half-whispered, moving you hands away, pack into your pocket. "As I was saying. You can't trust Tommy!"
"And why?" Ranboo asked, now putting his food down as well. He looked at you, confused and at the same time annoyed.
"Because he's with the Eggpire! I-" "And what? We can still be friends." Tubbo cut off, taking a bite from his burger again, now just as annoyed as Ranboo.
"You don't believe me?" Both Ranboo and Tubbo nodded silently without saying anything else. Tubbo glanced over at Ranboo who sat next to him almost bored of this conversation. "Listen. Two days ago I saw them." Tubbo's eyes glared up to you before he took another bite. "Who?" Ranboo asked again.
You sighed. "Bad, Ant and Tommy. Some vines were kinda around Tommy and he looked... alright. Anyways." Tubbo nervously narrowed his eyes over to Ranboo again, searching for comfort. "They talked about wanting trap you two in that egg thing. T-they-" You felt your voice breaking as you went further back to the unforgettable memory two days ago. "They want to hurt you two. They want to brainwash you into worshipping some weird egg! Bad wanted Tommy to gain your trust so you'd follow him there." Tears started to form in your eyes. You felt how the atmosphere changed into a sad aura. Ranbo looked concerned of you while Tubbo just couldn't place it all together. "What are you talking about? Just some days ago he was crying and- and begging for the Egg's voice to stop being in his head! He may be infected but not entirely! He's still our friend!" Tubbo screamed, his voice was full with anger and rage. He could feel how angry he got and this time he didn't care. Unnoticed tears form in his eyes as well as some rolling down his cheeks already. One employee of the restaurant, Jack Manifold noticed this.

Jack was a normal member of the SMP. He and Niki were an amazing duo. They both hanged out together all the time. Jack also stole Tommy's hotel which of course, somehow belonged to him now. It was weird that Sam's NPC Sam Nook didn't care. Jack was really kind and funny. He used to be a great member of L'manberg until it blow up.

"Excuse me," he walked over to your table. "You can't scream in here. There are other costumers and we don't want to disturb anyone." He warned, motion in his eyes to other costumers behind him.
"What is this? A library?" Tubbo huffed quieter than before. Ranboos eyes widened in shock from Tubbo's comment. He nervously chuckled. "Ah, sorry about my friend! He, uh had a bad day!" Ranbo apologised fast.

Jack nodded and left without saying anything else.

"You can't say that to staff, Tubbo!"
"Yeah, whatever. This chat is just a waste of time. I'm leaving!" Tubbo quickly stood up, still mad at you. He picked up his empty plate and walked over to the garbage area where all the used plates and rests got in. "Tubbo wait." He turned around when he was just about to open the exit door. "Please just listen to them." Ranboo stopped him, and Tubbo sat back down. "Fine" He annoyingly gave in, crossing both his arm into another while staring at the ground and not at you. "Don't you understand? He's manipulating you! They are manipulating you two!! I heard them, I-I saw them!! That's how I got this stupid wound because they were attacking me!!" You slammed your fist on the table again. This time harder. "Enough." Tubbo raised his voice a bit. He got angry again and glanced over to you now. "He's not! You are just jealous of Tommy! But guess what? We know him longer than we know you!" He stood up, holding Ranboo's hand as a comforter. Tubbo sighed. "I really thought you were different, Y/N. I think we shouldn't be friends anymore." Ranboo looked at you, concerned but also a bit angry. He stayed silent when Tubbo told him that they would leave. In fact, he stayed silent since the conversation started, until Tubbo's raging part. "Come, Ranboo. We don't talk to liars like them." That was it. Tears flew down your cheeks as you saw your ex-friends leave. That sentence rolled down your body, to your heart where it broke into many little pieces.

You felt alone because you were truly alone. Your friends left you because they didn't believe you.
'Fine' You thought, feeling how more tears run down your cheeks, covering almost your whole face.

'If they don't believe me than that's fine. I don't need them anyways.'

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