Chapter 21

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"Ranboo! Wake up!"

Ranboo's eyes shot open, he was breathing heavily. His eyes met with the ones from Puffy. Ranboo's heart pounded fast when he saw her.
"Ranboo, how are you feeling?" She asked. Her words seemed to be a little quiet for Ranboo. His vision was a bit blurry but he could make out most of his surroundings.

Behind Puffy sat Techno on a wodden chair. Ranboo could feel that he was watching him at the moment.
"I-I'm okay. Just a bit shocked from what happened." He looked around again. "Where's Tubbo? I wanna see Tubbo." Ranboo said suddenly. Tubbo was very angry when Ranboo left, of course he wanted to check on him. "We contacted him. He's on his way." Puffy answered, turning back to Techno with a worried look. She was obviously lying and Ranboo knew that.

"Where's Y/N?" He asked this time which Puffy found strange. Y/N told her that they aren't friends with Ranboo and Tubbo anymore. "Actually, I don't wanna know. Forget it." Puffy didn't answer, she felt bad tho, even tho she didn't have to and she knew that.
Silence echoed through the room. It was an akward silence, even for Techno.
He cleared his throat and looked over to Puffy who still felt a bit guilty and sad. "Ranboo," Techno turned to his friend, making eye contact. He tried to sound atleast a bit worried or concerned.

Technoblade didn't show his emotions that often, barely actually. He was kind of a chill guy who didn't show his emotions, only his neutral or angry emotions which lead to pretty much everyone being scared of him. Even Dream was a tiny bit scared of him.

Ranboo looked at him with a confused look on his face. "What do you mean?" He mouthed, not staring directly into Techno's eyes like he did to him. "With your friends" Techno said "You three had a fight?" Ranboo hesitated before nodding. His hands holding onto a pillow, grin tightened, showing Techno that Ranbo began to feel uncomfortable. He fixed that of course. "Listen, you don't need to tell me, okay? I just want to know."
"Okay... I'll tell you"
Techno nodded. Ranboo sat up straight on the bed, cleared his throat and began talking.
"Okay so, we had a fight. We met at your restaurant, Puffy." He looked at Puffy, she didn't say anything and kept listening. She didn't need to say anything because she knew it already, Y/N told her after all. "Y/N started to talk about Tommy and this whole Eggpire stuff that's been going on. They said that Tommy wanted to lure us down to this... thing and-" Techno shot up, sounding angry. Ranboo had never seen him that angry before. It surprised him.
"Wait, wait. Wait. He wanted to do what?!"
Ranboo silently nodded slowly. "He wanted to lure us down there. But instead of him, Bad did." Ranboo's voice cracked a bit. Tears formed in his eyes, he wiped them away before they could burn his skin. "I just hope that it'll all get back to normal soon..." He said the last part so quiet that only he heard it, and not Techno or Puffy.

Sudden realisation hit him. If Y/N was right, then Tubbo would be in danger. "Seriously, when is Tubbo coming? If Y/N was right about all of this then I need to bring him somewhere safe!" Just as he said it, he moved his legs to climb out of the nursery bed he sat in, immediately regretting it. His legs began to hurt horrible when he moved them. Ranboo flinched, hissing at the pain. "Ow.." He said, voice slightly muffled .
Puffy took notice of that and went into the back room to go and get something to cool off the pain for a bit.
"He's on his way, Ranboo. Chill."
"No, I can't. Tubbo was upset when I left. I shouldn't have left. I should've looked after Tubbo and make him feel better, but no. I just went off. I am a terrible friend..."
Ranboo said, trying once again to stand up. In the meantime Puffy returned and handed him an ice pack.
"I really need to go. What if something happened to him?"
Oh shit. Techno and Puffy didn't thought of that. They did message him, saying to watch out for Bad and these vines and Tommy.
Normally Tubbo would be here in any time, but this time he wasn't. It clearly concerned Ranboo a lot. And Puffy and Techno telling him that Tubbo is fine didn't help at all.
"No. My mind is set. I'm going to look for him."
"No wait!" Puffy grabbed his arm just when he stood up to leave. "It's dangerous. We already lost Tommy. I don't want to lose any of you too.." Puffy mumbled, oddly muttering the last part very quietly.

"He is almost here. Look! He sent me a message." Puffy opened her chat bar and showed Ranboo the message. He read it and indeed, it showed that it was sent just some seconds ago.
Ranboo eventually sat back down, relieved at the sign that his husband was okay. Of course he was worried and definitely didn't want the same that happened to him, happen to Tubbo.

Techno has been being quiet for quite a while. He was thinking about a perfect plan to confront Bad about everything. Everything he knew so far. He needed more information to start an inspection. Maybe even destroy the Egg. But he couldn't do it alone, the Egg already tried to get into his head when he looked at it the first time he saw it. If he's letting his guard down for one second, it'll be too late. (Of course it wouldn't be and you know that, Techno. But it's always the best to prepare for anything.) It could happen, Techno admitted. But he wouldn't think about letting his guard down anyways.

"I'm going to confront that son of a bitch." Techno mumbled. " I'll kill him." That was a bit overreacted. Bad was kind of a friend of Techno. Not really, but kind of.
Voices in his head told him to just confront him, not to kill him, (As if he'd ever to that) basically agreeing.

"I'm gonna have a serious talk with Bad."



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