Chapter 28

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Fun fact: the 1 year anniversary of the Red Banquet is at the 25th

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Your POV (first person cuz I wanna write a bit different again)

The day of the Red Banquet was approaching, and it wasn't that slow either. Puffy told me that she was planning something. Something like a meeting with everyone who was involved with the Egg, but didn't like it.
I was invited to join, for some reason Ranboo and Tubbo weren't.

Some days had passed and like I said, today was the day to discuss our plan if the Red Banquet was a trap and if we have to prepare for the worst or not.

When I arrived at Foolish's built cloud I didn't see anyone yet. I guess I was the earliest then. I looked at the statue Foolish built one day. On the side was a sign that said: "Don't break! Will be used for lore!" What did he mean by that?
It's propably nothing.

I decided that I would wait until Puffy and the other arrive. I've heard that Sam, Hannah and Foolish would come. It would be nice to see them I guess. I don't talk to them that much. After some time everyone started to arrive slowly.

"Y/N! I haven't seen you in forever! How are you?" Hannah immediately greeted me. She looked beautiful. Her brown hair was beautifully covered in red roses and her pink dress was fitting perfectly to them. I, of course, answered her. "Hey Hannah! I've been pretty good! How about you?" Sam cut us both off before Hannah could answer.

"Enough talking guys. Let's get to the plan!" He said. We quickly joined the others in the conversation.
"Alright, let's get started. What do we know about the Red Banquet?" Sam asked. Puffy started "They said they want to turn over a new leaf, that the Banquet is for good reasons only." She crossed her arms, scoffing at her own words. "I don't trust them."
"None of us are" Foolish paused "Bad told me that they won't allow any armor there." Sam cut him off "Yeah, they said that it'll be a... a peaceful event without any weapons, whatsoever." Hannah opened her mouth to speak, but got cut off again. I could see that she began to get upset.

"Hey, maybe let Hannah talk for a minute?" I asked, which sounded more like a demand. Everyone looked at me and stopped, letting Hannah talk.
"Bad and Antfrost told me that we can destroy the vines if we want to, as a sign that he really wants to change." She smiled at the end.
Sam and Puffy started smiling too. "That's perfect! I'll destroy them right after this." Foolish laughed.

Suddenly, I remembered that Tommy was part of the Eggpire too, and that the Eggpire was a big group. They have absolutely no reason to turn over a new leaf, and it's so sudden too.. I decided to ask about bringing weapons anyway.
"But what if it is a trap? Like Puffy said, we can't trust them. Maybe we could prepare some kind of... of chest! We could hide it in the Egg room and if it's really a trap we are getting that armor and are defeating them!" I spoke, proud at my good idea. I thought it was a good idea since no one offered a better idea.

"That could work," Sam started, staring at me. It did sent shivers down my spine. I don't like making eye contact. "But what if-" Puffy glared at him, I could see that she tried to tell him something. Sam shut up, only nodding at my idea. "Nevermind. It's a good idea, we can do that."

I don't know why, but I had this feeling that both Sam and Puffy didn't trust me in the slightest. What did I do? Hannah he this nervous look on her face and Sam kept staring at her. He doesn't trust her too, does he? It's propably because they've experienced much worse than Foolish, Hannah or me. That's fine.

"Alright. I think I still have some diamonds. I can make the armor. Where do we put the chest, tho?" Puffy asked, sounding worried that Bad and Ant might find it. "It needs to be a good spot."

"How about we put it under the dining table. If it's a Banquet, they, for sure, will have a dining table." I stopped for a moment. "I've never been down there, I've never seen the Egg before. What if one if us, I don't know, gets infected or-"
Foolish stopped me "Hey, I'm sure it'll be fine. None of us is getting infected. You'll be fine, okay?" Foolish is nice, he always was. I nodded.

"I can help you!" Foolish offered, excitement filling him. He would be happy to help his mother. "Oh, I don't know.. I still have something to do and you said you wanted to destroy the vines anyways." Foolish sighed, "Okay fine."

We discussed some more things before everyone could leave to do their own things. After that, Foolish and Hannah left. I stayed because Puffy wanted something from me.

"Y/N" she called. I turned around "Yes?"
"Listen, Sam and I don't trust Hannah. She has been infected before and we think that she will betray us." I stared at her in disbelief. Why would Hannah do that? Right, she WAS infected, but that doesn't mean that she still is. "O-okay. And what does this have to do with me?" I asked, clearly questioning that.
"I- we want to build something that will kill the Egg if needed. Do you want to help us?" My eyes skarkled "Of course!" I agreed in helping and we both walked over to Sam.

I told him that I want to help and after I said that he took a glance at Puffy, seeming upset. However, that expression quickly flew away from him and we three went to the Eggpire's destroyed base. Puffy had told me that she destroyed it to keep Bad from trapping innocent people in the Egg.

"Let's get to work then!" Sam moved around to some chests he placed earlier that day. In it was gunpowder. He quickly made some TNT and jumped down to where the Egg was and filled the tunnel with TNT.

After Sam finished what he had to do, Puffy spoke "Now that that's fixed, I'm gonna go. I still need to prepare the armor." Puffy looked at me "I'll see you at the Banquet in some days. Be safe." Sometimes she was too nice.

We all said our goodbyes and I left to go back to Snowchester. I basically lived there too, just in another house. I still needed to pick out my suit/ dress for the festival.

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