Chapter 22

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Tubbo knocked on the door, scared and worried about his husband.

He was home, wondering when Ranboo would came back when he saw the message from Puffy where it said that Ranboo had been trapped by the Eggpire, got out but isn't feeling that good.
When he read through that awful message he immedeatly rushed out of his and Ranboo's house in Snowchester to go help his husband. He needed to see him and he needed to see if he's truly alright.

On his way to Puffy's house he passed Tommy's house. The goat hybrid noticed some changes about his home. It looked more corrupted than before and all its life was gone, only leaving dead flowers and dry dirt on the ground and up the walls. When You found it, only a few vines sneaked up on it and covered his home, but now many other crawled over the floor and up his dirt shack. Tubbo immediately backed away from them, making a good distance between him and the Egg's bloodvines.
"Holy shit.." He whispered to himself, staring terrified at the them.
'Keep going. Just ignore it'  Tubbo didn't hesitate to stay to his thought and left immediately, barely getting away from a vine that tried to clung around his leg.

Many other vines came across his way and he tried his best to ignore them as good as possible. Thankfully for him, he didn't meet the Eggpire today. But he had a strange feeling that someone followed him, everytime he turned around to see tho, no one was there which came to the conclusion that he was propably only a bit paranoid.

While walking along the very familiar, wonderful prime path, he thought about that what happened recently. And a lot happened. He knew that Tommy was infected, but he denied it. He didn't want to believe that he, his best friend, really got possessed by a stupid Egg that mind-controls people.

Tubbo knew that he had to report those vines to Sam or Puffy because he knew that they were involved in it.

Now that Tubbo arrived, he thought back at it, wondering if he should tell Puffy. It would be the to tell her, but Tubbo wasn't sure. He didn't know why, but something told him not to tell Puffy, like some force or even voice told him this but everytime he wanted to listen to it again, it disappeared, fading into darkness.
Tubbo knocked again, waiting desperately for an answer.

Finally, Techno opened the door, Tubbo, who was really shocked at that moment, backed away. The way he stood there scared Tubbo in a way. Techno stared directly into his eyes and Tubbo could swear that he didn't blink in this conversation.
That pose reminded him of the day he got blown up by a rocket launcher from Techno.
"Uhh.. Hi Techno..? "What are you doing here?" He asked, clearly confused. He was scared but ended up deciding that it's the best that he's not showing it. Instead, he sounded still confused but a little confident as well.

It took Techno a second to answer. "Now is not the time. Come in." He answered in his usually deep, monotone voice. Tubbo nodded carefully and stepped inside, tackling behind Techno.

"Ranboo, your friend is here." Techno spoke while stepping inside the nursery room. Tubbo appeared behind him and immediately spotted Ranboo sitting on a bed. Next to him sat Puffy who managed to heal some more wounds.
The half enderman rose up, meeting eyes with Tubbo. "Tubbo" he breathed, standing up immediately to hug his husband. This time he didn't care if some wounds still hurt, he just wanted to hug Tubbo.

"Are you really okay?" Tubbo asked, pulling away from the hug. Ranboo hesitated for a moment, and there was silence for a bit. "I'm o-okay.." He stuttered out. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay."
Suddenly, Tubbo remembered what he wanted to tell Puffy and Sam.
"Puffy!" He called, walking forwards and sitting next to Puffy.
"I need to tell you and Sam something. It's about the vines."
Puffy stopped doing whatever she did before and looked at him with a serious look. "Tell me" she demanded and waited for Tubbo to tell her everything.

After Tubbo told her everything about the vines being much more around Tommy's house and finding many others on his way to Puffy's, Puffy listened till the end, also taking notes for Sam so he could figure out more. "I'm telling Sam as soon as possible, thank you, Tubbo." The said teen nodded and went back to Ranboo again. He grabbed his hands, squeezing them. "Let's go see Michael! He misses you" Techno glanced over to Ranboo who knew that Tubbo just messed up.
"Who's Michael?" He asked, sternly looked at nw both of them, his red eyes meeting Tubbo and Ranboo's eyes. A shiver went down their spines. "He's, uhh... a friend!! Yeah. An animal friend. Just like you have Steve, we have a pig named Michael." Ranboo answered before Techno caught any suspicion of them. "You never told me" Techno mumbled in his deep monotone voice again. "Anyways, Puffy and I have to do some talking so you two can go." Puffy nodded, agreeing to Techno. Ranboo and Tubbo said their goodbyes before leaving the house.

"Alright Ranboo. I have an idea." Tubbo suddenly said, energised and full of excitement. "What plan? Ranboo asked, genuinely confused at what the brunette just said.

"We are going to confront Bad ourselfs!"

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