Chapter 36

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Your POV

Ranboo and I walked over to another building. The one that was shaped like a mushroom. Apparently, it was the main meeting place. Quite weird if you ask me. It would be much more logical to hide in Niki's underground base. But, I don't want to complain now. I've got better things to do.

I still didn't know what exactly happened back at the Egg's room so I thought; why not ask Ranboo?

"Hey.. Ranboo?" I started. "Hm?" He hummed in response. Perfect.
"How- Do you know what happened back at the room?"
Strangely for me, Ranboo stopped dead in his tracks, probably not expecting that. He cleared his throat and kept walking after a while. "Well," he started, and soon enough explained everything that happened.

I was surprised of course. Strange how this adds up perfectly to my weird dream. Dream spoke to him and me but, what did it mean? I decided to leave that question in the back of my mind.

"We're here." Ranboo said and opened a big wooden door. I went inside with him following.

Inside the building was a big staircase with lots of different stages. "Come on. This direction." Ranboo pointed to the staircase and started heading that way.

We went upstairs until we were on stage three. The one with the others. A feeling of nervousness crept up my stomach. Why was I nervous?

Ranboo opened yet ANOTHER door. I breathed in slowly and walked inside the room with him. "Hello!" I said quietly, slightly waving at everyone. I saw Puffy, Techno, Sam, Quackity and pretty much everyone else from the Banquet.

"Y/N! Oh my- I'm so glad you're okay!" Puffy immedeatly rushed over to me with open arms. I gladly accepted it and hugged her back. "I thought we lost you!"
Wow.. how bad was my condition?

"But I knew you weren't." Ranboo added. Sweet.

"Sorry to interupted your sweet little reunion but we need to get on with our plan." Quackity spat. Jeez, why is he like this? I remember him a lot different.

"Okay, okay." Puffy rolled her eyes and sat back on her seat. I sat next to her and Ranboo sat next to Techno. Seems like he's really doing better now. That stab in the back must have been really painful, but it's great to see him well and healthy again.

"So," Quackity cleared his throat. I listened. He had something to say. "The plan is simple. We're getting the holy water and hide it in our inventory until we get to the room. Techno, Karl, Sapnap, Sam and I are going to fight against them if we have to. Remember, no one's getting killed!" No one is getting killed. Yeah. We don't want to be like the Eggpire after all, do we?

"Everyone else is going to try to kill the Egg with swords, the Holywater, really just anything. If we want our friends back, then we should do it quick and get out of there as fast as we came. Understood the plan?"

I see the others nod. I also nod. "Good, perfect!" Quackity clapped his hands. "I suggest that we prepare everything now, like, repairing armor, training, enchanting weapons, alright?" He stood up from his chair in the middle of the table.

"I'm gonna enchant some weapons." Puffy said, Sam agreeing. "Me too."
I looked over to Ranboo, who was still sitting next to Technoblade. He anxiously  played with his fingers and one of his legs were shaking up and down, fast.

"Ranboo!" The said enderman-hybrid flinched at the mention of his name and instantly stared at whoever called him. "You seem... stressed. Is everything okay?" Sam asked in his usual monotone voice. Tho, he sounded a bit worried.

"Y- yes! E-everything is fine. Just.. nervous and, scared...sorry." He sat up straight and stopped shaking his leg.

"No, it's okay. We are going to bring our friends back.. and everything will be fine!"
Ranboo only nodded in response and fell silence for the rest of the meeting.

Time skip

After the meeting was finally over and everyone started doing their thing, I decided that I wanted to get better in PVP. And the first person I had in mind was Technoblade. Maybe I could ask him to train me and become better. He was the best PVP player of the Dream SMP after all. And I'm Ranboo's friend

Fortunately for me, he was just sitting on a chair, eating cake with Niki and Phil. Wait. I didn't see him anywhere. Since when is he here and why is Techno eating cake!?

It didn't matter. I shrugged it off and went over to them. Oh god, I don't want to ask him infront of his friends.

"Hey Techno!" I tried to make it look like I wasn't nervous at all. "I was wondering.. could you help me get better in PVP?"
He didn't seem surprised. Instead, he casually nodded and said yes. Good.

"You can sit here for a while and wait till we're finished." He motioned for me to sit down and Niki patted on a seat next to her. I sat down on that seat and waited.

The group, I think they were called Syndicate, talked about how Tommy was infected and everything and even thought about breaking Dream out! Why would anyone do that? I knew that Techno and Dream had a deal or something but still. Dream deserved to be in prison.

After they were finished, Techno and I went to the training area. The same one Dream and Technoblade used to fight each other in. Techno won for obvious reasons. He was the god of PVP, and I highly respect him for that. So it was an honor to train with him. I was really surprised when he said yes so casually.

We arrived and Techno threw a sword at me, wich I barely catched. "What the hell?!" Techno only chuckled and replied, saying: "If you want to be good in PVP then you must never let your guard down. Never. Be always aware of your surroundings." I nodded and then we began to fight for some time.
Obviously, he won.

The next thing he did was telling me how to defend myself better. He gave me a lot of tips and tricks to defeat others. For example, try to chat with the person you're fighting with. Tell them stuff that weakens them emotionally and then, when they let down their guard, attack them.

This method sounded awfully like Dream. And, I must say, I was against it at first. But if it helps me defeat the Eggpire, then sure.

Techno told me to never let my guard down. I can do that. I just have to focus.


The next few days went by quickly. I know, Quackity wanted to to get back his finds as soon as possible, but then he changed his mind and told us to get better at PVP, to train just to be prepared for the worst.

I was fine with that and used the time to train with Technoblade. Sometimes, Ranboo joined us to fight against me and guess what? I won!

Today tho, was the last day to rest. Today we would take down the Eggpire.
Thanks to Techno, I am now a great fighter and have better armor. I couldn't wait to see Tommy back to normal again. When this is over, I'll spend a lot of time with him and, of course, Ranboo.

Ranboo and I planned to gain Dream a visit. He hasn't seen us in a good while. A year or so must have been passed. Our meeting was in a few days and I was scared.

All those nights that lead up to this day, I was still having these Nightmares about Dream telling me stuff, trying to manipulate me. I knew his tricks and they definitely didn't work on me. But it still hurt when I see Tubbo being slaughtered right before my eyes. Ranboo had the same Nightmares, which was odd. But at the end, it's just a stupid nightmare, right?


I shouldn't worry about nightmares when there's a fight just a couple of hours away, waiting to start.

A/N|  Soooo...  1-2 Chapters until we are at the end. Don't worry tho! I'll make a second book! :D

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