Chapter 2

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"Hello kids." A voice with a sweet american accent spoke. It was no other than BadBoyHalo, the demon himself.
He stared at You, then Tubbo, then Ranboo and then Tommy. A sweet smile formed across his face. His glance jumped to the shaking sword Tommy had equipped.
"Let's just hope that she was wrong..." You whisper to Tommy who was standing on your left next to you.
Tubbo chuckles nervously. He stepped a bit away to hide behind Ranboo. "Uhm.." Ranboo trails off, "What do you want, Bad?" He nervously steps back, holding Tubbo behind him, to protect him.
Bad didn't reply. The only thing he did was typing a message to someone. After he finished, he looked back to the squad.
"I was actually searching you all." Bad finally replied. A soft giggle escapes his mouth.
'This is akward.' You thought.
"Why were you searching for us again?" You asked while confidently staring into Bad's eyes. He seemed a little bit off, like Puffy said.
Bad's red stripes were replaced with white one, and his voice sounded colder than ever
'Come on. Just tell them about it.'
Bad hesitated, thinking hard about what he will say.

"Well" He starts. "I've got something to show you four!" A smile forms across his face. Tommy rolls his eyes. "Okay, what is it?" He anooyingly asks while boredly looking at him. Bad huffs, fast walking around him, putting his arm on his shoulder and speaking up. "It will blow your mind!"  His eyes were sparkling like little stars as he said that.

Now Tommy was interested in whatever Bad was talking about. He looks back at his friends with a nod and puts his sword back into its original place.
You eventually softly kicked Ranboo’s arm. His eyes immediately looked at yours 'What?' He mouthed.
"Okay so, I've got a really bad feeling here. Maybe we should leave." You whisper while silently begging that Bad didn't hear you. Because of your bad luck today, he did hear you. The demons head slowly turned to you. His eyes looking colder than before. He whispered something to Tommy before full-on turning to you.
"You want to leave so soon?" The way he said it. The way he walked up to you. It was threatening. His whole aura was threatening. Something wasn't right with him.

"Uhhh... y-yeah. We have to go actually." Ranboo came in, interupting the stare from Bad. He carefully pulled out a little knive and shakingly held it up to his level, preparing for the worst.

Bad only chuckled, smiled and finally answered the hyprid. "Okay." He said and turned to you and Tubbo. "It's late and you have propably something else to do so.. have a good night!" And with that he left. Leaving g the confused children alone. They all looked back expect Tommy. He was just standing in the exact place as before. He was shaking a bit. You could see that.

Doing that what a good friend would do, you of course walked up to him. You put your hand around his shoulder. He flinched. "Are you alright? What did he say?"
The boy looked rather shocked then scared and couldn't get his words together. "He-" His words couldn't escape his mouth. "I- it's nothing. W-we should!"  And with that he continued to walk forward. The others had a lot of questions in mind. "You sure man?"
Ranboo walked up next to him and saw how Tommy was sweating. Not too much, just a bit, but he was nervous.
"Y-yes. Now let's just go. We don't want to keep walking when it's dark, right?"

"Okay guys. I've got a few films, some snacks and drinks! Also Ranboo got a few pillows and sleeping bags."
Tubbo held up some popcorn and different films. You recognised some scary ones and some normal ones. Tubbo sat down and asked what they wanted to watch. "Oh! Can we watch that one?" Ranboo held up a rather old film. It was a horror movie. You smiled "Yes!! Let's watch this one!"  Tubbo nodded, agreeing with you two while Tommy was crawled up, arms hugging his legs, leaning back and forth. He looked deep in though.
"Tommy?" Tubbo called. They all looked at him. He hated it when everyone's eyes were on him. "Y-yeah. We can watch that film." With an nod, Ranboo plugged the film into the DVD player. After some seconds had passed the TV showed the main menu. Ranboo clicked play and so the film started.

Half of the film had passed and one of the side characters was currently telling their friends to split up. Tommy chuckled quietly. "A classic." He said. The others smirked a bit. "Horror movies are so dumb." Ranboo tiredly claims while yawning. "I'm tired. I'm going to sleep now." Tommy nodded quickly. "Me too. This was a weird day." A yawn escaped your mouth too. "Alright then."

Everyone eventually fell into a good sleep.

Everyone exept Tommy.

Tommy couldn't sleep. He just had to think about what Bad told him earlier that day. 'I have to go see him. Like he said.' He thought. Different thoughts flew through his head. Tommy decides to check the time. 1:09 AM. He sighs "Guess I have to go." Trying not to step on someone he carefully made his way up to the door. The door closed silently. Good. Tommy went to gt his jacket. It was cold outside afterall. After putting his shoes on, he finally opened the font door. It cracked a bit but it wasn't too loud. He confidently breaths out.
"Time to go."

"Go where exactly?"

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