Chapter 7

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Puffy and Sam had arrived at the Spider Spawner. The Egg room was just under it. So they only needed to go straigh, then left and down the stairs.
Puffy wondered weither they were too late or good in time. Well, it has been 17 hours since Bad propably kidnapped him.
Poor Tommy. All alone trapped in a room with a stupid, red egg.
Sam on the other hand still thought that it would've been better if they brought the kids with them. Atleast they would've known where they are.
But Puffy was against it, and Sam ended up agreeing with her because he didn't want to argue with her.
Sam jumped down the spider spawner first, Puffy followed quickly behind him.
They made their way down the path. Some vines were crawling up the stairs and walls. Both Sam and Puffy destroyed most of them.
The whole area let out a tiring atmosphere. With every step they walked down, the more they got tired. They couldn't fall asleep. Not yet, and not now.
Puffy got more and more worried about the whole situation.
Is Tommy okay? Did Bad do something to him?
What if he's dead?
No, he couldn't be. Bad wouldn't kill someone for an egg right? Of course he wouldn't.
Now the two adults reached the entrance of the room.
Stepping in, the two tried not to wake anyone's attention. They walked very slowly and made sure not to give off a sound.
Sam equipped his sword and looked around quietly.
No one was here.
Puffy exhaled and felt a bit saver. She was glad that no one was around to go into her way. Of course she didn't want to fight her friends. So that's a reason too.
"Tommy? Are you here?"
"Tommy? Hello?"
Both called out.
No one answered.
"Tommy please, can you hear us?"
Again no reply.
Sam and Puffy walked closer and closer to the egg. Maybe he was there.
And yes, they were right.
Next to the egg was an obsidian box.
It smelled like something had died in there. Still, Sam looked inside of it.
There were lots of vines crawling through the cracks Sam had spotted just some seconds afterwards.
His eyes scanned the box for a bit more before finding a body. It was Tommy.
Sam gasped before calling out for Puffy who was standing a few meters away, investigating the egg.
"Puffy! Come here, quick!!"
She immedeatly run over to him, then she saw Tommy. His eyes were closed and it didn't seem like he was breathing. Some vines layed on his body, also not moving. Some clung around his arms as handshells while some others were around his legs.
Puffy, filled with anger and worry, carefully cut the cold vines off of him and threw them away.
It took a while but Puffy managed it easy and got Tommy out by mining off some obsidian.
She softy placed him down on the floor where no vines could be seen.
Sam shakingly checked his heartbeat. It was low and weak, he could barely feel it.
"His heartbeat is weak. We need to leave before-

"Oh I don't think that you're gonna leave."

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