Chapter 11

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Today Ranboo, Tommy and Tubbo were hanging out together without you. Maybe they just want to spend time together, but they could've atleast asked you.
You layed in bed, thinking about the words Tommy said.
"Sorry Y/N. But we want to spend time together alone. You know, doing Benchtrio stuff. So please leave us alone."
These words hurt. 'Please leave us alone'. Why is he like this.
The words stung as if an arrow just flew right through your heart. It hurt. He could've atleast said it nicer.
Tommy changed, and not for the good. Ever since that day he began to behave like a complete different person.
Finally, you decided to get up.
Yes, you were still tired but it's time to get up!
While doing so, a sudden headache rolled over your body. You didn't care and made your way over to your door.
You sigh "Another boring day to go.'
There you stood in your doorframe, breathing in the fresh air.
It would be a great idea to eat something because niw you were hungry. Thinking about the bread from Niki's bakery made you hungry. Without a second thought you didn't hesitate to head to her bakery.
Everyone loved her bakery. Niki made the best bread in town. It wasn't expensive, actually it was pretty cheap, but still, Niki really has talent.

While going down the wonderful wooden prime path, you heard screaming and laughing. Of course you looked around, but only saw Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo having fun without you once again.
'Maybe they don't need me' You desperately tried to make yourself smaller, hoping to not get noticed by them.

Time skip

You could already smell bread and cookies from Niki's bakery. They really smelled delicious.
Niki was inside, propably waiting for costumers or baking new delicious cookies.
She had a lot of them. Lot's of chocolate, strawberry and blueberry cookies. Then she had baguettes, small bread, really big bread and even pancakes and cake. She really has everything.
"Hey Niki!" You friendly said as you entered her shop. She was currently packing out some new items she could use for baking. Her hair was pink and curled up into two buns. It looked great.
"Oh hey Y/N!" She warmly welcomed you and put the boxes away. "How's it been? We haven't talked in forever!"
"Yeah, we haven't," you chuckle slightly "But I've been good, thanks! How about you?" Niki smiled. "That's great! I've been good, thank you!"

Niki and You were good friends to say atleast. You two kinda got apart when L'manberg was blown up and Niki decided to leave and live in her underground base. You never got to see it tho. She then eventually grew closer to Jack and they became really good friends. They call themself the 'Rocket duo'. Anyways, they got friends and You, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo got really close by then.

"I actually want to buy some cookies and bread. Im really hungry and yours is just the best!" Niki suppressed a grin. 
"Thank you!" She muttered yet a bit quieter than usual.
"So," she moved on, changing the subject and turning to the different bread types.
"The usual?" Niki made sure to get the right things for her favourite costumer.
You nod exitingly "Yes please!"
And within a second Niki grabbed all the food you order just like every weekend.
"Perfect!" Niki smiled warmly.
She always had that sweet, warm smile that made her look very sweet. But she can be really brutal on the inside. You knew that well.
"That will be 2 emeralds!" She sweetly told you.
"Alright!" You placed down your enderchest and reached for some emeralds, finding exactly two and handing them over to Niki. "Great, thanks! I wish you a wonderful day, Y/N!"
You giggle, "I wish you a fantastic one as well!"
Niki waved at you again. Before you reached the door and left.

'Today was a good day.'

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