Chapter 29

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It was the day of the Red Banquet. Today you would find out if this was your last day alive or a day like any other.

You look at yourself in the mirror. You liked your suit/ dress it had a nice dark red color. (I'm not gonna describe any further cuz it's really up to you how you want the suit or dress to look like)

It was the early evening. You've spent most of the day admiring and looking at the suits of your friends. It was nice to be friends with Ranboo and Tubbo again. They were your only friends as far as you know. Did Puffy and Sam count? I guess they did.

Sometimes you'd wonder what would've have happened if Tommy didn't turn infected. He would hang out with all of you more often, and wouldn't hate you for some reason. You never understod why Tommy hated you and not the others as well. At the end of the day you'd figured that it was because of the Egg and the Egg alone. You shouldn't waste your time thinking about someone who doesn't care about you anymore.

You looked over to a clock, wanting to know the time. It was almost 7pm.
"Jesus," you speak out loud "How long did it take me to dress up?"

You eventually got out of your house and knocked on Tubbo and Ranboo's door. They told you that they were preparing something else. Ranboo said he will take holy water with him and use it when anything bad happens. Hopefully he won't need to use it. But if I'm being honest, I don't trust Bad in the slightest.

Time skip :D

+ Frst person pov

Ranboo, Tubbo and I arrive at the meeting place. It was at Punz' base, basically behind it. The spider spawner was directly under us. So the Egg was at the Spider spawner? Interesting.

When we arrived I left Ranboo and Tubbo to talk to Puffy and Sam.
"Hey Sam!" I said when I walked over. He smiled "Hello Y/N. How are you?" He asked, happy to see me.
"I am great! Thank you. How about you? Is the armor set up?" It seems like Sam totally forget abut the armor cause he looked a bit confused when I asked him about it.

"It's all ready" Puffy assured me, coming out of nowhere. I flinched for a second because of her sudden appearence. She smiled evily. "You look great" I nodded "thanks, you do too. Both of you!" I answered.

Sam had a wonderful black suit on. It 'suited' him. Puffy had a really nice, red dress on which reached to her feet. She truly looked amazing.
Everyone did today. I wondered how the Eggpire would look like, and then the thought of a trap jotted me again. I was scared that it might be true, that they would kill everyone. Maybe I was just paranoid. I was overthinking things.

I greeted all the other guests and talked to them for a bit until Bad finally decided to appear. He greeted everyone and motioned them to follow him. We all did.

Hopefully I won't regret this

I walked down the big red path followed with the same vines I saw at Tommy's house some weeks ago. Weird. I thought. I didn't know why, but for some reason my head started to hurt really bad. That's propably fine. It's just a headache.

We walked further down the red path until we entered a room. It was red. In fact, everything here was red. Weird. I must say, I was a bit curious so I was the first one to enter the room. It was really nice decorated. Red lights lightened the room. There was the same path going through the whole room. To a dining table and to a dance floor and to a weird Egg shaped thing. I didn't want to go near it, I kept my distance.

Bad talked again, he seemed happy. Very happy. Too happy. Okay- no. I'm just paranoid. "Alright everyone! Again, I'm very happy that everyone made it! Feel free to do whatever you want here, just don't break anything." The last sentence was more like a demand when he looked over to the Egg, specifically meaning to not break it.

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