Chapter 5

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"Oh god. I know where he is."

He grabbed Y/N's arm and ran out of the prison as fast as he could. Before he completely left,"I need help from Puffy. We meet back at the communi ty house in 30 minutes, alright? Bring Tubbo and Ranboo too!"
He let go of your arm and quickly made his way to Puffy before you could ask any more questions. With a sigh, you left as well, and you left as well, and went back to Snowchester.

Puffy POV 3rd person

Puffy was at her house minding her own business. She was currently mixing up different type of flowers and mushrooms for new potions when she suddenly heard a knock on the door. Tired and exhausted from all the work, she decided to stand up and open the door.
A worried Sam stood infront of her. He looked like he had just run several miles.
"Holy- Sam. Is everything okay?" He took a second to catch his breath. With a deep breath in, he started talking.
"It's about Bad. He- I think he kidnapped Tommy."
Puffy heart sank. He has to be kidding. She told Sam to go inside. They both sat down and Sam told her everything.

"I'm going to kill that stupid demon when I see him."
Sam nodded and clenched his fists.
"Is told Y/N to go and get Tubbo and Ranboo so they can help us-"
Puffy shots up and looked at Sam. Her voice sounding angry. "Are you crazy?? We can't bring them into that. We have to do it alone." Sam sighs and agreed.
"You are right. Lets do it alone. But we should hurry because Y/N would be at the community house in~" he quickly checked his clock "Ten minutes."
Puffy smiled "Good. Lets go then."

When they went outside it was raining hard. The paths and grass was wet and the stands were just closing. The cold rain was soaking Puffy's and Sam's clothes, but It didn't bother them. They had bigger problems at the moment.

Y/N POV 3rd person

Y/N runned as fast as possible. They had to be quick. Their shoes stomped through puddles and they felt something wet land on their neck. They quickly looked up. The sky was fully covered with dark clouds. Only then did they notice that it had started to rain.
In all the rush they had completely forgotten about it.
Y/N chuckled slightly at that.

When they finally arrived they knocked a few times. Tubbo opened and looked at Y/N. He propably wasnt expecting them, his face said it all. The boy definitely was surprised to see them now, but then he remembered that they wanted to talk to Tommy about yesterday. He leaned against the open doorframe and crossed his arms soon after. "Guess you didn't find him, huh? Weird."
"Tubbo I need to talk to you and Ranboo. Its about Tommy." Y/N said with a straight and serious face.
The atmospherequickly changed into a serious one. Tubbo silently nodded and let them inside.

They both went inside. Y/N, still wet from the sudden rain, quickly sat next to the oven to warm themself a bit. Ranboo was bringing some cookies with chocolate pieces on it in. They truly smelled delicious.
"So," Ranboo sat down next to Tubbo and placed the plate with the cookies down.
"What do you wanna talk about?"
You sigh and explained the situation to them.

"And he didn't tell you anything else? Just to meet back at the community house?"
You nod.
"I wouldn't go. Who knows what's there." Tubbo admitted. He was scared, yeah. The kids didn't know where Tommy is or what these vines were. Maybe it was dangerous and they might die.
"But we have to! What if Tommy's gonna die?" Ranboo then replied. He was worried, of course he was. Tommy is just as important as Tubbo and Michael are to him. He wanted to get Tommy back.
"Fine. But don't come up crying to me when we are dead." Tubbo finally agreed, joking a bit at his sentence. But this wasn't the time for jokes, and he knew that. Still, it would be good to light the mood a bit.

"Let's go then."

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