Chapter 25

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(Btw things that are in this-> (random text) in the story is like a thought, an extra reminder of a thought or something yk?)

After Ant left I couldn't stop thinking about the festival. Was it a trap or was it for an apology? I really wanted to believe that they are turning over a new leaf but I still don't trust them. It would be better to talk to Puffy about it soon.

(What if you die? What if Tubbo or Ranboo dies?)
I hadn't thought about that. What if it is a trap and someone dies? I felt a shiver run down my spine. No. I'm sure that won't happen. Surely not. Maybe I shouldn't go.
(But you promised it, dumbass)
I should definitely talk to Puffy about going there.

I walked around for some minutes until I passed the market. It seemed full today. Many people were there today. I could clearly see Karl Jakobs and everyone else from his nation, Kinoko Kingdom.
It looked like they were buying a lot of bread and wine and some flesh. Were they gathering stuff for the Banquet?

I watched them for a bit until I realised it was time to go. Where even was I going?
I don't know, I haven't planned anything for today.

Right when I thought I didn't find anything to do, the Banquet came back into my mind. As I realised one important thing I immediately got out the invitation. I don't even have a (suit/ dress/ whatever) to go there. I bet Eret has a lot.

As I turned to walk over to Eret's castle I saw two people approaching me. Why can't anyone leave me alone for a bit?
I ignored them and continued walking. After some time tho, they ran up to me.
"Y/N, Hey! We wanted to talk to you!"
It was Tubbo. What does he want?

I turned around with a straight face. I needed to pretend like I didn't care about him and Ranboo anymore. "What do you want?" I asked, still not showing any kind of emotion.

Ranboo stood next to him. He looked better now. I could see his burn marks still, but most of his wounds were healed. He stared at me. I didn't.

"Look. I'm sorry about being mean to you earlier. I didn't want to believe that Tommy is gone. I am so, so sorry. I should've believed you." His face told me that he was feeling a lot of guilt.
Ranboo stopped staring.
He looked at Tubbo, wanting to say something too.
Tubbo's eyes got glassy but he didn't cry yet.

I wasn't expecting it anyway.
In fact, I wasn't expecting this apology at all. I didn't think Tubbo, of all people, would apologise to me so fast. I'm happy that he apologised, really. But that means something had happened so he'd apologise.

Of course. The thing with Ranboo. That was the reason.

"The Eggpire trapped Ranboo and almost got him infect-" "Tubbo, I already know that." He stopped. "How?"
I didn't answer.
Ranboo stepped forward. He looked nervous and stood there as if he wanted to say something but couldn't bring himself to. I guess he's just shy.

Why would he be shy?

Tubbo stared at me in disbelief. He was upset that I didn't answer. I didn't care. "Y/N. I- we should have believed you. I'm sorry. We actually talked to Bad and-"
"You did what?!" I faced Ranboo. Why the hell would he even think about going to that psychopath??
"He said that he's sorry about Tommy and that the Egg wanted it that way, not him."

What the hell. I don't believe Bad. I scoffed while crossing my arms. "Thank you for apologising, Tubbo and Ranboo. Now. What's up with Bad, huh? Tell me everything!"

Nice. So we are friends again, wonderful. I've got to figure out what Bad was telling them. I definitely don't believe Bad or Antfrost with this Banquet and I will talk to Puffy and Sam about it. They know more about it than I do. I mean- I've never seen the Egg before. I guess I will at the Banquet.

Ranboo and Tubbo explained everything to me and we talked for a little bit until we had to go and it got late. Tomorrow I will talk to Puffy about the Red Banquet.

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