Chapter 26

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"Hey Ant," a voice called, it echoed through the room. The said person turned around. His tail lazily swung from left to right. He was holding up some decorations for the Banquet. A party to die for. Antfrost placed it all down when a certain boy approached him. "How are the decorations going?" "Been going great, Tommy. I'm almost done."
Tommy smiled "Wonderful! Can I help with the rest?" Ant shrugged, looked at the few decorations he had to set up and looked back at Tommy. If he was being honest, he didn't want Tommy to help him, that boy might mess it all up. Luckily he remembered that Bad, his best friend, wanted to talk to Tommy. "Actually, I think Bad wanted to talk to you." Tommy nodded and left to talk to Bad who was just across the room in front of the Egg.

"Hey Bad," Tommy greeted the demon, he didn't greet back. "Ant said you wanted to talk to me?" He sat down next to him on a vine while also greeting the Egg.  "Yeah, it's about the Banquet. You do remember what we are going to do there, right?"
"Yes, we are going to kill them."
"Yes- I mean no!" Tommy glanced over to Bad "You said we aren't going to kill Tubbo and Ranboo!"
The demon hissed. He knew that the Egg didn't fully control Tommy and that was a big problem. If that happens during the Banquet then the enemies will win and kill the Egg. Bad didn't want the Egg to die

"Okay fine. We will kill everyone exept them." Bad knew exactly what he had to do to fully control Tommy. He already forgot about You so why don't make him forget about Ranboo and Tubbo too?
The American demon clapped his hands. "Great! Since you actually remembered something once in your life-" he said the last part oddly quiet "How about you spend some time with the Egg? It would love to have some company."

Of course Tommy agreed and kept sitting on that single vine right infront of the Egg, watching how Bad left. There were many vines. A lot more since Puffy and Sam came. Tommy didn't even remember why they came. It was useless, the Egg said that they wanted to kill him. But Tommy never believed it, lately tho, he's being hesitant about it.

Bad smiled as he saw that Tommy did exactly that what he was being told to do. He went to Ant. "Make sure that he stays there. We need him fully controlled by the Egg." Ant nodded and watched Bad finally heading off to the exit and eventually leaving the room.

Tommy sat there alone with his thoughts. 'They aren't going to kill them' he liked to confirm things in his head, even if they aren't true. He nodded to hinself. 'They aren't'. Tommy looked up. The Egg stood infront of him just some feet away. Now that he thought back to Tubbo and Ranboo he began to get worried. A week has passed since the failed plan to capture his friend Ranboo and they had been avoiding him since. What if Bad was lying? But surely he won't lie to Tommy. Of course not. He wanted to see them straight away after this. Sometimes he wished that he wasn't a part of the Eggpire. But now he can't change that.
While talking in his head vines made their way up to him, but kept their distance.


He stared at the Egg again when it said his name. "Hello," he greeted it once again.
It was silent for a moment, then Tommy talked again. "You are not making them go and kill Tubbo and Ranboo at the Banquet, right?"

Of course not~

There was something Tommy forgot. The Egg does hear everything and it does know everything. That's why it was for the best to not mess with it.

Come closer~

Tommy walked up closer, the Vines followed him. Now he was about the range where he could touch it.

I know you want to see them..~

but you can't...yet~

The way it spoke to him... something was very off and he knew it. He stood up,  glaring at the exit.
"I think I need to go-" just as soon as he said that more vines came and surrounded him. The boy backed away from the vines for the first time.
"What the fuck!" He cursed under his breath when he realised that if he tried to leave the vines would tie him up or choke him to death or.....
What was he thinking? The Egg wouldn't do such a thing.

Don't go yet...

We still have something to do~

Tommy slowly began to feel tired and somewhat sick. Maybe he should listen to what the Egg says. He looked back at the Egg. What did it mean with 'We still have something to do'? He still had an uneasy feeling about this.
The Egg spoke again which took him off guard

You think that I will harm you

Don't you, Tommy?~

That was unexpected. How did it know that? Tommy's feeling of uneasiness grew until he only had the thought of leaving this place was in his mind. The Egg's voice sounded threatening but also somewhat calm. "No! I-" Tommy didn't know what to say. The Egg would find out anyways so he kept himself shut.

You don't need to lie to me

I need to tell you something~

The vines that surrounded Tommy were now crawling up to him as slow as possible to avoid being noticed by him. They crawled up his legs first so he couldn't escape. Just as they continued to grow and cover his whole legs Tommy looked down. He wanted to free himself and say something but the Egg cut him off quickly.

Ranboo and Tubbo are using you~

Just as he was about to get free the Egg said this which catched him off guard that lead to more vines slithering up to him. Only this time they tightened themself a bit. "N-no! You're lying! They would never!" He didn't want to believe anything the Egg said but it sounded so true. The Egg wouldn't be lying to him. It was his friend. Friends don't lie to each other. Why would Tubbo and Ranboo use him anyway? For what?

They use you for information about the Eggpire and me

They want to kill me~

You don't want me dead, do you, Tommy?

More vines came and crawled around his legs and up his torso. Tommy didn't notice this, he was full-on focusing on the Egg's voice and the Egg's questions. The boy shook his head. "No, of course not."  The vines had now reached Tommy's arms. They tied up his two hands and wrapped themself around his upper body, starting to cover him. Tommy never realised that they were using him. In fact, he never realised that Ranboo and Tubbo are doing researches on the Egg. He tried to remember some conversations he had with them but all that was left were some headaches everytime he tried.

Come on


Tommy closed his eyes and just as the Egg said that, Tommy remembered one single conversation he had with Tubbo.

"Tommy I have a few questions!" Tubbo said when he saw Tommy being fascinated by the vines once again. The said boy turned around to face his friend. "Yeah? What kind of questions?"
Tubbo smiled nervously "Well, some about the Eggpire and the Egg itself!" Even tho he was a bit nervous to ask Tommy about it he still sounded happy?

Tommy didn't remember this part so well, therefore it was difficult to remember who said what or how they said it.

Tommy was unsure about agreeing at first, but he decided to do it after Tubbo begged him for hours.
They both sat down on Tommy's favourite place. The bench right at his house. It had a beautiful view which was great for a sundawn.
"Alright! Question number one," Tubbo read from a paper "Do you know why the Egg is infecting people?"

The only thing Tommy remembered was answering the questions as good as he could without lying.

That's where the memory cut off

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