Chapter 31

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Trapped. That's what we were.

I was nervous and scared. I didn't know what was going to happen and I certainly didn't want to find out.

After the Eggpire had dragged us over to the Egg they started to build some kind of obsidian cage. As soon as they finished it and pushed us inside. vines started to crawl in and slither around us again. I tried my best to fight them back but their grib was far too strong for me. Bad and the other members of the Eggpire watched from a good distance.
I was angry and sad. There's nothing I could do to stop this from happening.


Sddenly, a voice in my head called for me. I didn't recognise it. "Hello?" I replied back quietly.

I'm glad I can finally meet you in person~

Who said that? What's going on? I decided to ignore it for now and focus on the vines crawling up my wrists. My hands felt numb. I couldn't move them and only watched how they got covered in vines. I struggled to break free. Just because I couldn't move my hands doesn't mean that I can't move my arms. I tried to get the vines off of me but nothing worked. They only tightened their grib.

"What do you mean?" I asked carefully. Now I focused on that voice again. It kept talking to me and I had the urge to listen to it. All I wanted was to listen to it.

I have heard a lot about you, Y/N~

I can help you~

"Help me with what?" I asked again. I was so focused on this mysterious voice  that I didn't notice the red vines now tying up my arms behind my back. I couldn't move them but that didn't matter. All that mattered was what the voice had to say.

I can bring back Tubbo~

I can get Tommy back to you~

I can bring Foolish back~

Everyone you've lost~

could be back with you again~

I gasped. It's impossible to bring people back from the death. Now I know who that voice belonged to. Who else knew that Foolish and Tubbo died just half an hour ago. It didn't sound like any of the Egg's worshippers so it had to be the Egg itself. Wow. The Egg talked to me. I don't know if I should be relieved or incredibly scared. I sticked with the decision to be scared and realised that I couldn't move. Shit. "No no no no no... Thats impossible! I thought no one could do that!"

I have no reason to lie to you, Y/N~

Why do you think Dream got sent to prison?~

He had a book to revive people~

To revive your family, your friends~


"Y/N?" I blinked a few times, thinking I imagined the other sudden voice. It was Ranboo's voice. At least it sounded like him. He sounded weak and tired. His voice was croaking and quiet."Don't listen to it! Whatever it says, it's lying!" He tried to shout from the other box. He must be banging against the obsidian right now. "But it sounds so convincing, Ranboo! It says it can bring Tubbo back!"

"No no no no! Y/N, listen to me! The Egg is only trying to-" mid sentence he stopped. I called his name again. Why did he stop? What happened? Why was I feeling like collapsing on the ground any second now? Ranboo didn't answer which only worried me more.
"Please say something!" I begged, hoping for a response. I sighed when I didn't get one.

"What did you do to him? Let us go!"
I shouted. I felt my energy leaving my body and I collapsed on the obsidian floor. The vines catched me. I couldn't feel my hands or legs anymore. All I could do was laying there. "Why?" My voice came out as quiet as it has ever been.

Don't worry~

He's not dead~

He's only sleeping~

"Why aren't you killing us? Let Ranboo go, please! You can have me but, please, not him..." I felt my eyes closing. I couldn't fall asleep. Not yet. I yanked them open. All those vines on my body were warm and felt comforting. It wouldn't hurt to listen to the Egg for a little bit, right? Nono no! I had to get free from this.

Once again I tried to get free from the vines.

It will only get harder the longer you try to fight it~

Give in~

I know you want to~

The Egg was right, for once. This was a waste of time. I already was weakend from the Egg's vines. I didn't need to waste all that's left on this.
"Ranboo?" I tried to call him once again. I heard a quiet mumbling next to me. Ranboo! Wait. Was he talking in his sleep? I wanted to sleep right now. I couldn't imagine something better than sleeping.

Relax, my friend~

It won't hurt~

Just close your eyes~

I couldn't listen to the Egg. Ranboo said it was lying. I only needed to stay awake as long as possible.

My eyes closed again. I opened them everytime they did. I couldn't fall asleep I just couldn't. I needed to think of a plan. I had to-


Go get some rest~

Don't think about this anymore~

Don't think about the vines~

Or Ranboo~

Or Tubbo~

It's good for you~

The Egg wasn't wrong in that. I'm sure it won't hurt if I close my eyes for a little bit. I eventually kept my eyes shut and drove into a long needed sleep.

A/N: Don't worry guys. It's gonna be great, trust me. Also. This wasn't even the main plot. The real one is just about to start.

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