Chapter 9

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Y/N, Ranboo and Tubbo were back home. After they went to the community house, no one was there. They waited for 10 minutes but no one came. Y/N felt like someone was watching them. Still, they didn't want to look back. But they just decided to go faster. Maybe the feeling would go away. It didn't.
Y/N was still thinking about it. Now that they were home, that feeling was gone, but they didn't feel safe.
They still didn't know why Sam didn't say anything. Hopefully he was okay. He could have at least said something before he went to that mysterious place, most likely alone with Puffy.
It got late. Puffy and Sam still haven't returned yet.
Tubbo decided to send them a message. He said they were all in Snowchester, waiting for them to come back with Tommy, of course.
Hopefully they didn't die.

Suddenly, the door shut open. Puffy rushed inside having Tommy on her back. His eyes were closed. He seemed to be passed out. Sam was nowhere to be seen.
Puffy was breathing heavily and her clothes were all soaked from the rain. Her hair was wet and her shoes were covered in mud. Actually the whole floor was covered in it now.
"Puffy? What happened?!" Tubbo asked, worried about his best friend. He quickly stood up and rushed over to Puffy. She carefully put Tommy down on a nursery bed Ranboo and Tubbo had for whatever reason. You never knew why, but it didn't bother you and you didn't care anyways.
"Puffy are you alright? Where's Sam?" Ranboo asked, placing his book down and walking over as well.
"Sam is fine, I think." The sheep hybrid slowly answered. She hesitated before answering. Was she lying?
"but he said he's fine, yeah," she mumbled quietly while packing out a healing potion she got before going to the egg's room. Her hands were shaking slightly and her breath quickened without her noticiting. Slowly, she took a deep breath in, 'Concentrate Puffy. Sam is fine. You need to help Tommy.'
And a deep breath out.
"We need to help Tommy now."
She a the potion into Tommy's mouth. Lots of bruises and open wounds were closed and fixed in a second. His heartbeat got quicker, back to it's normal speed. He was breathing normal now, like any other person. Which was good.
"Tommy?" Tubbo gave Tommy a soft slab to wake him up. Ranboo stood next to him and watched everything. His eyes faded into a purple-like color, but it quickly broke it's process of fading completely purple after Ranboo was put back in reality by Tubbo asking him for a glass of water.
"Sorry..." He trails off turning his head to the door, hoping to avoid eye contact before Tubbo or anyone else noticed the change in his eyes.
Ranboo never liked eye contact. It was part of his enderman side. Every enderman hates eye contact, and because Ranboo was technically one too he didn't like it as well.
"I wasn't listening," he began, turning red around his cheeks out of emberassment. "What did you say?" The purple in his eyes quickly vanished before he turned back to Tubbo, chuckleling nervously.
"I asked you if you could get me a glass of water, I want to wake Tommy up." Tubbo answered, finding Ranboo's behaviour strange.
"Yes, of course," The half enderman walked over to the nearest glass he could find. It was place on top of a closet filled with pictures of L'manberg and the duo's friends. Ranboo smiled at them. It was nice to have some memories of Ghostbur and L'manberg before it got destroyed by Dream and Technoblade.
Ranboo reached for the glass, he eventually got it, and filled it with cold water.

"Alright," Tubbo breathed in and out. He held the filled tight in his hands, and poured the cold water on his friend. "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" He screamed so loud, You, Puffy and Ranboo had to cover their ears.

And Tommy woke up.
He opened his eyes very slowly. They closed a few times again, but he eventually stayed awake.
"Tommy!!" Everyone of you screamed in happiness. You were so glad that he woke up. "Tommy are you okay? Your eyes look different."
Tubbo was the first one to notice that somethong about Tommy was off. His eyes turned a slight red. They are blue, not red. Yes, somethong definitely was off.

"Tommy what's up with your eyes?"

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