Chapter 27

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Tommy opened his eyes where he was met with darkness. It looks like, while he was remembering the whole conversation, the bloodvines fully covered him. The only things he could feel sticking out were his feet.

Tommy couldn't move his arms which worried him a lot. He was tied up and couldn't do anything about it. His heart was beating as fast as a rocket could fly.
'What the...' He was too tired to think clearly. Even his eyes shut every once in a while. He couldn't speak because his mouth was covered with vines.  This time Tommy actually felt helpless. Not only because Tubbo and Ranboo were actually using him but also because he felt betrayed. Betrayed from both his friends and Bad and the Egg. He felt lied to. Bad was definitely lying to him and he didn't know why the Egg was trapping him in here.

Your so called 'friends' are the bad guys~

I just want to help you~

'No... they can't be.. they aren't the villains..' Tommy didn't believe the Egg.  Sure it might be that way but it didn't sound right. That's so out of character for them. He closed his eyes again.
'I don't believe you'. Most of his energy left his body. At this point he just felt terrible, like he was dying.

Tommy tried to remember some good times he had with his two friends but there weren't. There weren't any good memories, only bad ones. Like the time Tubbo exiled him or when Ranboo almost pushed him into lava. The time Tubbo- he should stop thinking about it.

The Egg was right. Ranboo and Tubbo were his enemies.

Don't believe anything those cowards are saying~

You don't need them~

You only need me and the Eggpire~

'You and the Eggpire' Tommy repeated in his mind. He was convinced that the Egg was good. He had to protect it at all costs. He had to do everything for it.
Tommy opened his eyes again. The vines seemed to leave his body unil he could see again. The vines fully left, untied his hands and all the vines covering his legs left him as well. 

I require nourishment soon~

Don't fail at the Banquet~

Tommy nodded slowly "I won't!"
And before he could react, Antfrost jumped infront of him.
"And? What did it say?" He asked.
Ant saw and heard everything from where he stood. He had messaged Bad about all of it. Now he wanted to know what the Egg said.
"Basically Tubbo and Ranboo being dickheads. They are the bad ones. They wanted to use me for information! I thought they were my friends! Not some idiots who are only friends with me so they can get what they want." He spat "I hate them!

Antfrost flinched. He had never seen Tommy that angry about someone or something. This was surprising. Looks like the Egg has done all the work. Perfect! Now he woldn't cause any problems at the Banquet.

Ant smiled widely when Tommy didn't look. He quickly pretended that he was sad about it. "I'm so sorry that you had to find out that way, Tommy..." The said boy started crying. Maybe that was good for him. Antfrost just listened. "It's alright. Remember that we, the Eggpire, are always here for you."

Antfrost comforted the youngest member from the Eggpire for a bit until he eventually fell asleep. If Ant was being honest, Tommy hadn't slept in a few days so that would explain why he was extra tired when the Egg trapped him again. Normally, people don't become too tired but Tommy was propably just tired from the start.

The American cat hybrid carried the sleeping boy to a bed and put him on it where he could sleep. 'Perfect' Ant thought. 'Now it's time to join Bad with the invitations.' He opened his chat bar and clicked on his chat room with Bad and told him everything that Tommy just told him.

(I know the last part seeemed a bit rushed listen it's 3 am I am tired so I'll just publish thz okay bye goonight
Omfg I can't even type)

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