Chapter 34

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Technoblade POV

I got Ranboo's message straight away. I couldn't believe it at first but after he kept messaging me I knew that it was him who I was talking to.

After I woke up Niki told me everything and to rest more, and that I need sleep. I am Technoblade. I don't rest. I asked for Ranboo and Y/N. If they were back yet. They weren't and Niki feared they would be dead.

I thought they were dead at first too, but apparently they're not? Screw that. I have proof. Of course they aren't dead!
So now I'm searching for Puffy to tell her everything.

I ran out the nursery room. I felt much better now.  The spot where Purpled hit me was getting better aswell. It wasn't perfect, but I could walk and do pretty much everything else. It only hurt a bit but I chose to ignore it.

I ran and ran and quickly kicked the door open. Everyone stared at me in disbelief when I stood outside the beautiful garden of Kinoko Kingdom so suddenly.

I looked around for a bit until my eyes spotted Puffy and Quackity. I walked up to them. "Puffy!" I called out in my usual monotone voice. "I got a message from Ranboo. He said that-" Quackity quickly interupted me before I could continue.

"Hold on. Ranboo messaged you? Is he okay? Is Y/N with him? How the hell did they escape??" Woah woah woah.. dude chill out. I nodded.
"Yes he's fine. He said he's coming with Y/N."

Puffy smiled, "That's great to hear! I suggest we meet them halfway. They must need a lot of help." She turned to me "Did you send them the coordinates?"
I nodded. I'm not stupid, of course I did.

"Ask them where they're at now!" Quackity kind of demandend? It sure sounded like that and I didn't like it.
I pretended that I didn't care. "Okay,"

I turned my Communicator On and clicked on Ranboo's messages with me. I quickly typed in what I had to type in and waited. After a short pause, he answered.

My gaze fell back on Puffy. "He's almost here. I don't think that he needs our help at the moment." I simply said. Puffy nodded, "Okay. Well, let's wait for them then." Quackity agreed on that.

So that's what we did. We waited. I hated waiting. It makes me think that, when people don't arrive on time, something happened. I'm glad Ranboo was okay. This SMP is already fucked up enough. So many people have died already. I don't want Ranboo to die too

"What are we going to do about the Eggpire now? Ranboo and Y/N escaped so they must have done something."  Quackity asked after a while.

I didn't focus on him, instead I only focused on a person that just came running towards us. The person held someone in their arms.
It took me a good while to realise that the stranger was no other than Ranboo holding, from the looks of it, Y/N.

"You can ask Ranboo about that one." I answered Quackity and pointed over to the direction of the said boy.

He finally reached us and stopped. Y/N layed unconscious in his arms. I must admit, I was worried. Very worried. I rushed over to him and asked him about what happened. Everywhere on his visible parts of his body were marks to be seen. Like someone has cut him. That kind of marks. He wasn't the only one who had marks everywhere. Y/N had marks too. A lot of marks. Whatever the Egg did, it will pay for it.

"Y-you need t-to help t-them!" He sounded out of breath. No wonder, he was probably running for quite a shocking while now. Poor guy. He didn't deserve any of this or did Y/N.
"I will!" Puffy said more in a protective way? I don't know. She wanted to help
Y/N. I'm fine with that.

Puffy carefully took Y/N and went to the nursery room with them in her arms. I looked back at Ranboo who immedeatly fell to the ground, taking deep breaths over and over again. I kneeled down to him. "How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Exhausted" Ranboo jokingly replied. Quackity only watched us, unmotivated the whole time. Ranboo didn't like it. I knew that.

I stood up again and helped Ranboo up. He thanked me and sat down the first second he saw a chair. Me and Quackity waited in silence. I hated silence. Sometimes it's so silent that it already gets loud again.

"How did you escape?" Quackity was the first to ask questions. I shot him a glare. I personally think that it's way too soon to ask questions at the moment. We should give Ranboo some rest. The said boy helplessly stared at me, probably hoping that I'll say something.

"Jeez, Quackity. Give him a break. He just  ran for a very long time and his friend died." He scoffed and crossed his arms while also rolling his eyes. Ranboo looked down, his long ears dropping down as well, showing off that he was sad. "Sorry, I just need some time to proceed everything." He sounded very quiet, barely able for me to understand.

"It's okay, Ranboo." He stood up from his seat, ready to leave. "I'm going to see
Y/N." Was the only thing he said before turning off into the direction of the nursery station. "If you need anyone to talk to just ask me!" I shouted after him before he opened the door to the nursery room and left.

"If the Eggpire is down at the moment, wouldn't that be the perfect chance to attack?" I turned to Quackity, crossing my arms. "Yes it would be, but we don't know how to kill the Egg. Tomorrow we are going to question Ranboo and Y/N about what happened and how they escaped. Then we'll see how we are going to do it, okay?"

I didn't want to argue with Quackity right niw. We already weren't on good terms and now was not the time to fight. It was beginning to get late and I was tired.

"I'm gonna head off to bed, see you in the morning." I said before leaving entirely to a  where I slept in.

Tomorrow then.

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