Chapter 19

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"AHH!!" Ranboo screamed in fear as he fell down the hole. His heart pounded faster than ever. He could feel the blood rushing through his heart and head.

The fall felt as if it would never end. He could already see the ground but it seemed so far away. Maybe it was just the Egg tricking with his mind.

Ranboos vision went black for a moment and he went unconscious. When he woke up just some moment later everything started to burn terribly. His head pounded and his legs and hands stung. Slightly dazed he looked around. He was in some kind of prison. It stunk of decay. It was also very stuffy, which made Ranboo cough from time to time. He got tired and felt like he could sleep for years. 'Now it would be nice to sleep.'
This feeling got stronger and stronger. Now he felt as if he had to no other option.
Suddenly, he noticed the pain in his arms and legs again. Ranboo turned his gaze to his hands. Both have sunk deep in the water in which he was in. He wanted to lift them but they felt too heavy and almost impossible to lift. At least that's what the egg wanted him to think.
He looked around again and tried to think clearly.

The walls were obsidian and definitely not easy to destroy. Maybe Ranboo had a pickaxe with him. He tried to look in his inventory but he couldn't do that either. He couldn't open it without his hands. Once more he tried to move his hands but gradually the pain was becoming very painful.

Ranboo tried to get up. He shook his hands vigorously to feel them again. Slowly this feeling came back and he could move his hands. He leaned against the wall. It was as cold as ice. His hands helped him get up by using the wall to support himself. He got up a lot but jumped right back into the water. He cried out again as another wave of pain rolled over him. "Ranboo?" He heard soft noises from above. Like someone calling his name. Of course, Ranboo recognized the noise, he just couldn't match the voice to anyone he knew. "Ranboo? Are you okay?" The voice came again, this time a little clearer. "Ranboo answer us!!" Now Ranboo recognized the voice. It was Technoblade's voice. "Ranboo please!" Another voice could be heard. Puffy's voice. Ranboo wanted to answer them. Of course he wanted to. "I..." His voice cracked, sounding low and weak. He tried again."I'm far a-as I know." This time it sounded a little louder. Maybe Puffy and Techno had even heard him. And indeed they did.

Ranboo could hear other noises and sounds coming from where he stood. His head still pounded and he felt a little dizzy. "T-Techno?" He could barely hear his own voice anymore and before he knew, he blanked out and fell into a deep sleep.

                                "oobnaR ,ni eviG tsuJ"

                "OOBNAR"               "ni eviG"

"I can make you see your friends again~"

Ranboo woke up, still feeling tired. He can't fall asleep again. "Techno?" He called out for his friend, maybe he heard him, maybe not. Ranbo hoped so.
"Ranboo do you have a trident so you can come up?" Techno sounded extremely worried about his friend. He didn't want to lose another one. Ranboo's eyes twitched at the sound of something underneath him again. He completely ignored Techno for that moment and went to investigate that noise. "Hello?" He called out, barely loud enough for Techno to hear. He immediately got more worried about Ranboo.

"Puffy what is he doing?" He asked, clearly sounding sick worried. "I don't know. We have to safe him!" She answered, getting out enderpearls.

"Who's there?" Ranboo asked again, scared. Many thoughts raised through his head. Was he talking to himself? Was the Egg talking to him? He didn't know, but he didn't want to find out either. Ranboo looked around for one last time, scanning the whole 'prison' he was in. He noticed some air holes where he could breath, sadly only the dirty air down here, propably to make victims faster infected. It even infected Tommy which was a surprise to Ranboo.
Maybe he could look out of one of these airholes to see if he could find anything.

"Ranboo~ join me and I give you what your heart desires~" A misterious voice spoke to him. It was an odd voice. Cold and unclear to listen to. "N-no... I want to leave. L-leave me alone!" He put his hands up to his head, trying to get the Egg's voice out of his head. "Please.." He heard another voice. Bad's voice. He talked to the Egg and told it something Ranboo didn't understand.

Ranboo knew that he couldn't let his guard down. He can't listen to that egg. He had to be stronger and smarter.

"Ranboo do you have a trident?" Techno asked again. This time Ranboo heard it. He tensed up, his hands no longer pressing against his ears. Now that he could open his inventory, he immedeatly checked if he had one. But to his surprise, he actually didn't. He could remember taking it with him this morning tho.
"N-no. I don't.." He answered, looking around as he noticed many vines slithering up the walls.

'Shit' Techno thought. He glanced over to Puffy. "Puffy drop him some enderpearls!" She, of course, nodded and dropped Ranboo up to five enderpearls.

"Here Ranboo! Use them to get up!" Puffy shouted. Ranboo collected the dropped enderpearls. His hands hurt again when he put them in the water to get the enderpearls. "Ow..." He mumbled.
After he collected all of the enderpearls, he looked up to Techno and Puffy for the first time and searched for a good angle to throw an enderpearl.
After a while of thinking of everything he needed to measure, he threw it.

The enderpearl flew out of the deep hole and ended up falling on the grass outside. He landed just in time before these vines fully surrounded him.

Ranboo landed on the ground, the grass was soft but it still hurt. In fact, everything hurt. Now that he was out of that hell hole, he only noticed how bad his burned skin hurt. It hurt so much he couldn't move. He only shut his eyes to proceed everything.

Techno and Puffy ran out as quick as they could to help Ranboo. They exited the building quickly to check on him. Then they saw him curled up in the grass, his hands around his legs and crying. The pain was just too much for him at the moment.

Puffy checked his eyes. They were normal. His left eye was red and his right eye was green. Just how it's supposed to be. Ranboo was fine and not infected. Both Techno and Puffy were relieved. "Don't worry Ranboo. We are going to get you home." Techno said, picking Ranboo up because he could barely walk at the time. "I got you" Ranboo barely heard what Techno said. He just wanted to rest.

"Thank you... T-Techno..."

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