Chapter 10

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"Tommy, what's up with your eyes?"

"W-what do you mean?" He felt how his voice cracked a bit. Tommy's head pounded, yet he somehow felt good. A sudden urge on seing the Egg again was stuck in his head since he woke up. He didn't feel any different tho.
"Tommy are you okay?" You asked, a worried look on your face. 'What did these monsters do to him?'
The boy sat up, now sitting on the nursery bed. "Yes! Actually, I feel great!" He answered, smiling at You. You gave him an unsure nod and bent over to Puffy. "I don't think he's fine," you whispered to her, hoping Tommy wouldn't hear. Thankfully Tubbo and Ranboo distracted him a bit.
Puffy stood beside you, watching Tommy's weird behaviour with a look of worry and horror. "He isn't." She pulled you away from the others, demanding to follow you, you did and you two quickly went outside to talk.
"Y/N, Tommy is infected and we can't do anything about it. Not even I can."
"What do you mean with infected?"
Puffy sighed, eventually gave in and tried to explain most of the stuff that was goin on.

"So the Egg js a mind controlling weird plant?" You made sure that you got everything right about what Puffy just said.
"Yes," she answered. You looked inside the house. Tommy and Tubbo were laughing and talking while Ranboo sat back down on the couch, reading his book.
He always loved to read.
You turned back and sighed. "But we need to do something. Should I tell the others?"
Puffy nodded, "It's better if we do, yeah."
You two went inside again, prepared to tell your two other friends.
Ranboo noticed your bad mood. And of course, he wanted to help.
"Y/N what's wrong? How did the talk go?"
You sighed once again. "It went fantastic," you muttered dr for Ranboo to know that it was sarcasm.
He no deed in understanding. "Come on. Tell me what happened!" He begged.
You let out a slight laugh., but went serious again. "Okay, don't expect something good tho." You motioned him to follow you somewhere else where Tubbo or Tommy couldn't hear you.
And so you start explaining.

Time skip

By now also Tubbo knew about Tommy's situation. He was worried sick of course, and he wanted to do something, but he knew he couldn't do anything.
His life crumbled together when he knew.
His heart sank. Imagine your best friend who you know since an eternity just gets mind controlled by a weird looking plant that you never heard about before. Since that day he swore he'd eliminate this egg.
Even if it would take months or would die. He would find a way along with his friends.


I don't like this chapter but it pushes the storyline a bit
I have a great idea with this story. The main plot won't be the eggpire and shit. It will be for now tho, but after the red Banquet stuff, it'll get back to it's main plot.

Also if you have any ideas then feel free to comment them!

Bye :)

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