Chapter 35

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Everything was red. I was in the Egg room again.
Slowly, I tried to move. An itching pain went through my body like an infection everytime I did. I tried to look around and soon found Tubbo infront of me, covered in blood.
He didn't look at me.
"Tubbo!" I shouted, yet it sounded so blurred out. Like my own voice was miles away.
What was happening?
Was he breathing?
I wanted to check, but I couldn't move.
Tubbo ignored me, but he did turn around to me.
The next thing I saw freaked me out.
His eyes were black? At least I think so.
It looked like no life was in them anymore.
Suddenly, an axe came in view. It flew directly past me and smashed into Tubbo's chest, killing him.
I flinched. I didn't want to look.
I couldn't look.
Suddenly, I heard a voice.
Dream's voice.

"It's your fault he's dead"

"Why didn't you try to stop Bad?"

"Why didn't you go instead of him?"


Was this really Dream's voice or my own voices, telling me that what I blamed myself for.
It's true, I could have saved Tubbo.
Now he's dead.

"I can bring him back"

His voice appeared again.
That was the same sentence the Egg said to me all over again.
I shook my head vigorously, trying to get his voice out of my head.

"I have the book to revive anyone I want"

"I could revive Wilbur"

"Or Jschlatt"

No. I couldn't let that happen. HE can't revive them. Not Schlatt or Wilbur. I have to stop him.

I shot my eyes open, breathing heavily. I felt sweat running down my shoulder. It was hot in this new room I was in now.
'It was just a dream... a dream..' I thought to myself. It wasn't real, but it felt that way. Thank god it wasn't real. Does that mean that nothing that happened was real?

I looked around the room. My vision was a but blurry and my head pounded like hell. It was a bit hard to make out what was where in this place. No one seemed to be here with me. The room was white and clean. Around me were other beds as well. A typical nursery room. I slowly breathed in again, feeling relieved that it was just a dream. On a table next to me was a glass of water and a note beside it. A note? From who?

I decided to open it, curiosity filling my body. "Hello Y/N. It's Ranboo writing this. When you wake up, just message me! I'll come and pick you up. Techno and the others want to disguss our next move on the Egg." I read out loud. Our next move?   What even happened? How did I get here in the first place?

I know what happened. Tubbo, the Egg, Purpled's betrayal... but, everything from that was kind of blurry. I remember the Egg. It was.. talking to me. It told me things.. bad things. Like if I join it... it would get Tubbo back. Or get Tommy uninfected. It can't be trusted.

I breathed in again. Tubbo was dead. Tommy killed him. He killed him. His best friend. All because of an egg. A stupid, little egg. Wow.. I didn't even get time to proceed everything. It all happened too fast. I chuckled. It's funny how so much bad stuff can happen in a matter of seconds.

I wondered how Ranboo felt right now. He must be very sad. I was sad. I lost my best friend and almost died myself but, Ranboo lost his husband. His love of his life. I can't imagine how I would feel ig that would happen to me.

If only the Egg didn't exist. We have to take it down. If explosions don't work.. maybe we could try to destroy it with pickaxes, hoes or shovels. I want Tommy back on our side.

Speaking of the Egg. How did we get out of there? Did Puffy come to rescue us?
I need to ask her about it later.

Suddenly, I remembered that I needed to inform Ranboo. I was awake and the leaders of Kinoko had a plan. Atleast it kinda sounded like that in the letter.

I opened my communicator, strangely enough, it wasn't broken yet. Really, I thought Bad or any of the Eggpire broke mine and Ranboo's to make sure we couldn't text or warn Quackity or Sam.

I hesitated before messaging Ranboo. It's propably because I'm nervous. Why should I be nervous? I don't know.

After texting Ranboo, I waited. It was boring so I decided to stand up and walk around, just testing if I could walk in general.

I sighed, pushed the blanket away and moved out of bed to try and walk. The floor felt hard and cold. Even tho I had socks on, I could still feel the coldness.

My legs surprisingly didn't hurt at all. How odd. I decided to not think about it, ending up with the result that it's most likely from a healing potion.

I've waited for another five minutes and finally, Ranboo has arrived. Thank god. God, it was boring in here and those 5 minutes felt like HOURS!

"Y/N! Thank god you're okay! Are you feeling all right? How about your legs?"
Those were a lot of questions at once.
"I'm fine! Really!" I just smiled. I was so happy to see him. The last time I saw him was at the Red Banquet, and that was NOT great. Sure, I've heard his voice when we were trapped. But, the Egg could've done that to manipulate me or infect me. However, it doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that I am here, alive and well with Ranboo, also being alive and well.

I went to hug him. He was tall but just because he is doesn't mean I can't hug him. "I'm glad that we're alive." He said quietly. Oh boy was I happy about that too. I sighed again and let go of the hug, remembering Tubbo's faith.

"I miss him."

"Me too.."

It's just sad and frustrating, almost, no- it definitely is depressing, too. Tubbo was one of the kindest people I knew. Of course, he was stubborn and sometimes kind of a dickhead. But that doesn't matter anymore. I should've sacrificed myself when I had the chance to. Tubbo would be safe. I'm used to being the third wheel, it wouldn't have bothered Ranboo or Tubbo that much if I was dead. I'm sure of it.

Ranboo's word shook me out of my trance-like state, pulling me back to reality. 

"Y/N?" He repeated. I shook my head slightly and looked at him. "Yeah?"
"Yeah out just spaced put there." His face formed a worried look.
"Are you sure you're all right?"
I quickly nodded.

"Yes! Sorry, I was just thinking about something. What did you say?" I bet he said something. People in films always space out and ask if the other person can repeat what they just said.

"Oh, right. I asked if we should go now? We know how to shut the Egg away until we find a way to destroy it completely. The only problem is that we have to take all Eggpire members with us and put them in prison first, just in case they won't get infected again."

"Sounds like a plan!" I smiled and nodded. "Let's go!"

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