Chapter 20

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Techno walked along the prime path, Puffy following behind. He, Techno, carried Ranboo on his back. The enderman hybrid was fastly unconscious again. His head hurt way less when he escaped the obsidian box above the Egg, but the pain got worse because after his head didn't pound so much anymore, his thoughts got clearer and he could feel the pain a lot better now, which wasn't good for him at all.

"Have you seen anything before he fell unconscious, or is he infected?" Techno asked, staring at the ground, watching his feet walk. Puffy looked over at Ranboo, still a bit worried. "No, I haven't. His eyes didn't change." She explained, still sounding like she wasn't saying the truth.
Techno breathed in, relieved that Ranboo wasn't infected. But that thought quickly faded after that what Puffy told him next.
"Well, it takes some time, so we should check on him tomorrow again to see if anything changed. It's the best if we keep him at my house. I have bandages and potions to heal his wounds." Techno looked concerned. Was it really a good idea to keep Ranboo with Puffy? He didn't know, but Puffy cared about Ranboo so it would be the best to keep him there. "Okay, fine. But I'm coming with you. I wanna make sure that he's okay too." Techno admitted. To be honest, Techno never really admitted anything but this one was an expectation. It was about Ranboo, and Ranboo was Techno's friend, and Techno would do anything for his friends.
Puffy warmly smiled and glanced back at Ranboo again. He was still unconscious which wasn't a good sign.

If someone gets infected, then they stay unconscious or act like they are high. Ranboo was long enough in there to get infected. Maybe he was, maybe not.
Infected people stay unconscious for ca. two hours until they wake up, and when they wake up, their eyes are red or white. So when they get to Puffy's home, they both just have to wait one hour and forty-five minutes.

"He's still unconscious. That can't be good." Techno murmured, thinking about what would happen if Ranboo really was infected. Will he try to kill them? Would Techno have to kill him? Again, he didn't know. He just hoped that nothing of his thoughts that currently raised through his heads would come true.

"Puffy" Techno breathed, he just had to ask Puffy that one questions that has been bothering him since Ranboo got out of the box. "What if he's infected?"
Puffy gave him a worried look. "We still need to think about that. I don't think he is." She turned away "I hope so.."

  Suddenly, there was a scream. Both Techno and Puffy heard it loud and clear. Ranboo's ears twitched at the sound of the scream. The voice sounding a bit far away. Puffy ran and followed the sound of the person. She knew exactly who it was.


You wanted to talk to Puffy and tell her about the chat you, Tubbo and Ranboo had.  You messaged her about some minutes ago, telling her that you were on the way to her but she didn't answer. Maybe she didn't open her messages yet. She could be busy, working or doing whatever adults do.

You walked around the smp a bit more, trying to pass time. Now that you were alone, you couldn't hang out with anyone. Well, there was Purpled but you never see him anywhere. Nobody knows where he went. He just disappeared once and never came back. Maybe he would come back some day.

As you walked along the so familiar prime path, you walked straight on until you collapsed into somebody else. You looked up, your face red out of emberassment.  But that quickly faded and a wave of fear rolled over you. Your heart pounded faster and you could feel adrenaline rushing through your body.

It was no other then Tommy

You backed away immedeatly, fastly apologising for stumble into him and left as quick as you could. Tommy, on the other hand, looked back to you and followed you. "Hey! Wait up!" You ignored him, because you didn't want to end up dead. "Hey!" He got out his enchanted bow and pointed it at you, an arrow waiting to get shot was stuck in it. You stopped and froze in place, and turned around slowly. "The Egg wants you dead, so I have to kill you." He looked at you, staring into your eyes. His were a bright glowing red.
What!? I don't want to die!
"Nonono wait! Please! Don't kill me!" You begged, stepping away as you said so. "We are friends! Don't you remember?" 
Tommy stood still for a moment, not moving and obviously hesitating to shoot the arrow still in his bow.
His eyes narrowed to one side to the othe, looking for something to say. The red in his eyes turned back to blue and then straight up back to red. But this time not glowing so intensive like before.
Without hesitation, this time he shot. You tried to dodge it as good as you could, tho it still hit you, but only a side shot. It barely hit you. Tommy, filled with anger, shot another one.
A scream escaped your mouth when you felt really bad pain on your right arm.
You covered your arm with your left hand, which wasn't shot.

"Tommy!" Tommy turned around to look for the person that just called him. He was shocked because he knew exactly who just called him. Puffy ran up to him, sword equipped. "Leave them alone!" She shouted and walked over to you. Tommy stood still in place, angry that Puffy ruined the moment. Techno arrived just some seconds later, he was rather surprised to see him attacking you. He never met you but he knew that you were one of Ranboo's friends.
"Tommy? Hello?" He asked. Ranboo was still on his back and stayed unconscious, tho he moved sometimes.
The boy definitely wasn't planning on killing you now. Now that Technoblade was here, he didn't want to die.
Just before anyone could look back on him, he disappeared by throwing an enderpearl.

"Y/N, are you okay? What happened?" You looked at her, relieved that Tommy was gone and that Puffy was here. "I'm fine. Tommy, he- he wanted to kill me! I'm glad that you are here 'cause I was actually looking for you!" Puffy's eyes widened. "He wanted to do what?!" You nod. "He wanted to kill me because this egg you told me about said so." Techno huffed and you looked at him, just now noticing Ranboo unconscious on his back. "Oh my god" You breathed, rushing over to Techno. "What happened to him?"
Techno akwardly stared at the ground, not responding. A worried look covered his face. "Bad trapped him in a box above the Egg and when he got out he collapsed and went unconscious." Puffy said, instead of Techno. She left out the part where they fought him and were too focused on Bad instead of blocking the trapdoor. Puffy felt guilty about it, but she didn't want to tell Techno or anyone else.
"Oh god... So what Bad was talking about was right." You muttered, scared about what would happen next. If Bad tried to make Ranboo infected, then he would go after Tubbo right now.
"Puffy we need to warn Tubbo!" Shw knew what you meant. You told her everything that happened when Bad attacked you. So she knew that you and her had to warm him. She doesn't want the same that happened to Tommy happen to Ranboo or Tubbo. Even tho she wasn't sure if Ranboo was infected. "I'm sending him a message. You should too. You are his friend, he'll propably read yours first."
You chuckled. "About that- you know what? I will." You decided not to tell Puffy about your little fight that ended up in a disaster. Now wasn't the time. You opened your chatbar and messaged Tubbo. He wouldn't read it and most likely ignore it, but it was worth a shot.
After you sent it, you looked back at Ranboo still on Techno's back. You almost forgot that Techno was there.
"We are going to my house. I have enough potions and medicine to heal him (hopefully)." She mumbled the last part. It was too quiet to hear it and you didn't think much of it anymore.

"Let's help Ranboo, shall we?"

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