Chapter 14

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(This plays right before Y/N saw Bad, Ant and Tommy)

Tubbo and Ranboo.
Two boys who loved each other, married and had a child named Michael.
Thy met a long time ago and were now best friends with Tommy and You.

They were hanging out with Tommy alone today because Tommy didn't want Y/N to come. To be honest, Tubbo felt guilty for not asking them to join anyways. He was sad that Tommy was behaving like this. Whatever Puffy meant with 'infected' couldn't be good.
Tubbo was thinking all night about it while Ranboo seemed to write it all down in his book.

Ranboo always writes stuff down in his book. His friends, family, everything really. His book was titled 'Do not read' to prevent others from reading it. He had it since he first joined the smp, or so he remembered. Yes, Ranboo didn't remember much of these old days, it has been a year after all, and much changed in those years. L'manberg blew up again, this egg appeared, Dream got sent into prison and all that.

Tommy seemed to be distracted again. He didn't react to anything Tubbo said.
"Tommy? Hello??" Tubbo shouted, moving his hand up and down, trying to get Tommy out of trance.
"Are you there?" He snapped his fingers at him, bringing him back to reality.
Tommy blinked a few times before sanking to the floor, shivering slightly and pressing his hands against his head, trying to ignore whatever was speaking to him.
He doubled over, still shaking slightly. Tubbo knelt down to him and looked at him with wide eyes. "Everything okay?" he asked softly. He definitely wanted to help him, but he didn't know what he could do. Tubbo saw tears brewing in Tommy's sparkling red eyes. why was he crying

"Tommy," his voice was low and soothing, somehow helping Tommy. His trembling was still visible. "Calm down. Breathe in and out deeply." Tubbo smiled slightly. He really wanted to write Y/N to say everything was okay to make himself feel better atleast a bit.
"Tommy what happened?"
The other one hesitated to answer. His hands were still grabbing onto the other arm which were wrapped around his legs.
"I-I'm sorry.." He cried out quietly, stuttering and staring at the ground. "There is j-just this v-voice and-"

Ranboo shot up from his daze. His concerned eyes looking at Tommy who still sat on the wet grass from the rain.
"Voices? What voices?" He cut him off, slightly worried about his friend. Tommy looked at him, a bit confused.
"Y-yeah.." He went back on staring at the ground. "Voices o-of the Egg. I hear t-them all the time. It w-wants me to do t-terrible things. Sometimes I just h-have to listen to it or else it'll kill you, Tubbo and Y/N!"
Both Tubbo and Ranboo looked each other in the eyes, worried.

Suddenly, Tommy's eyes turned a deeper red. His expression changed into a dull and lifeless expression. He stopped crying and looked up, now staring into the distance as if someone or better, something was talking to him again.
Tubbo placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. "Tommy it's alright. We are still your friends."
Tommy still glanced into the distance, looking for something he couldn't make out.

The voice appeared again, making him feel nauseous. He couldn't hear Tubbo or Ranboo anymore. It was like they were in another room or far away. His arms were heavy, so heavy that he couldn't hold them up anymore. They sank to the ground, his fingers touching the soft grass. Now the voice got louder and louder until he couldn't take it anymore.
He seemed to fight the voice off, but whatever he did, it didn't work.

"I-I'm sorry Tubbo. But I have to go." He glanced over at Tubbo who looked rather confused. "What do you mean?"
He looked Tommy in the eyes. They were a bloody red, chrimson color.  Tubbo backed away, scared.
"Tommy please talk to me!" He begged him. But Tommy didn't answer.
He muttered something that Tubbo didn't understand and slowly stood up.
"I'll e-explain it later. I need to look after S-Shroud. He's alone and I f-forgot to give him his food t-this morning. I'll be back, o-okay?"
Tubbo peeked over to Ranboo who now sat on the right of Tommy. He unsurely nodded. Still a bit concerned. "Okay, Tommy. We'll see you later. Stay safe tho, please."
Tommy nodded. "I will."
And with that Tommy left, without saying anything else. He threw an enderpearl. Ranboo watched how he threw it. Something was off about it. Then it hit Ranboo.

The enderpearl didn't fly in the direction of Tommy's house.

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