Chapter 37

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2nd Person POV

"As said before, today was the day of the Eggpire to end. Once and for all. They have caused far too much damage on this server." Quackity spoke infront of everyone once again. Everyone had gathered enough Holywater to defeat the Egg and it's allies. You were more than ready.

"So, I wanna ask everyone a question." He continued. "Are you ready to get our friends back?" Of course you were. Everyone nodded and said yes.
With another nod from Quackity, he walked off the stage he had build for announcements and other things.

You walked over to your friend Ranboo. "I'm glad that we are getting Tommy back." You said quietly as you sat next to him on the fresh grass. It had rained earlier today so the wind had a cold and refreshing breeze while the grass was fresh and wet.

Ranboo wore armor, so the water didn't harm him. "Me too." He answered, staring into the distance. Something about him was odd. Like he was focusing on something else.

"You seem upset. Are you okay?"
He shook his head slightly before letting out a sigh. "Just.. nightmares."

You knew what he meant. The Dream nightmares. "It's okay. I'm sure that they will stop soon. Let's focus on getting Tommy back first, yeah?" You stood up and continued to walk.

Ranboo nodded before getting up. "There's something else.."  You stopped and turned around to face him.
"Shouldn't Tubbo's ghost appear by now?"

"Yeah.. it should... well, maybe he doesn't need to be a ghost. Maybe he doesn't want to be a ghost?" It was a dumb suggestion, but atleast it was something that satisfied Ranboo's question.

You both walked over to where the buckets were placed and took enough to fit your inventory. "Let's get to the others, yeah?" Ranboo suggested. You replied with a nod and both of you raced over to everyone else.

Quackity, the self-named leader, breathed in slowly and then said something you didn't listen to. Everyone started to walk off, into the direction of the Spider spawner. 'This will be a long walk' you thought with a sigh escaping your mouth.

Time skip cuz no one wants to know how the walk went

After everyone arrived at the spawner, You shivered. You didn't want to go back in there, but you had to save Tommy from the Egg's manipulation and mind-control. So this time, you had to overcome yor fear.

You, along with the other adults and Ranboo, made your way down to that hell hole.

When you reached the entrance, vines were blocking it off. Techno slashed them and took the lead, walking quietly into the room.

The others followed, You and Ranboo trackled behind in unusion. Both of you didn't want to step a foot in the room. It caused pain, trauma and nightmares.
You couldn't let your friends hanging so, screw it.

Once inside, you saw every single one of the Eggpire, including Tommy, sitting near the Egg, meditating. 'What is this? Star Wars?' You remarked in your head
Now wasn't the time to joke, tho. This was serious.

Since none of the Eggpire seemed to notice any of you, Quackity decided it would be a great idea to talk to Bad alone while you hide behind anything we can find. After that, he slowly stepped forward, towards the, well too familiar, Egg.

"Bad. I came here to talk." The said person shot his white eyes open and stared directly into Quackity's eyes. "I know why you're here. You want to kill the Egg." He continued to stare at Quackity in a pleading way. As if he wanted the Egg to be defeated. But of course, he had to serve the Egg. He must protect it.

He stood up slowly while making his new netherite sword appear in his hand. "Then you have to get past me first." As soon as he said that, bows and swords were lifted and everyone started to fight.
It went so fast, you couldn't even property aknowledge the voice in your head.

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