Chapter 15

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You opened your eyes, feeling tired and weak. The first thing you did was looking down at your wounds and the one where the arrow hit you. It was sealed but left an ugly mark on your leg. You tried to move around, feeling, as you moved, pain all over you and the drowsy feeling from the poison returning.
It wasn't that bad, it just hurt a lot but that was everything really.
You relaxed and breathed in slowly, trying to get the feeling away.
While doing that, you thought back to what happened.

Antfrost and Bad wanted to murder you while Tommy, eventually Tubbo and Ranboo too, ignored you. But why?
'Why aren't they talking to me?'
Then you remembered the messages Tubbo sent you. You didn't get to see them yet. Now was the perfect time.

You looked around the room. On the walls hung pictures of Puffy and Sam. On the the side were pictures of Niki and Hannah.

Hannah was a new woman in town. She arrived some months ago together with Foolish. Puffy and her became really good friends.
You've met her before. It was the same day when she arrived. Hannah was wandering around, picking flowers and exploring the town when she saw you with Ranboo. He really wanted to pick allium flowers with you that day.
Hannah, as a big fan of flowers, helped you searching some. Together you pretty much spent the day with each other.
It was a great day.
But you haven't seen her in a while now. Sometimes you wondered weither she left town or got ill. You didn't know where she lived so you couldn't look after her either.

Looking further around you saw Puffy's brewing stand. It was placed between different potions. Above it hung a lantern for light and another closed with different ingredients in it. There was a seat right in front of the desk where the brewing stand stood on.
There was a window to your left, along with a pot with a flower in it on top of a table next to the bed you layed in.

You thought about Tubbo's messages again. 'I should check on them now.' You thought, opening the chat bar afterwards. A message from Puffy popped up. It got sent just now so you looked at it.


If you read this then I'm propably not in the house right now. I was over at Sam's and had a talk about Bad with him. I'm currently on my way back home so if you need anything then just message me. (If you're awake)"

You smiled. Puffy is really nice. She always was. You'd answer later. Now you had to look at Tubbo's messages.

The first one popped up saying this:

Hello Y/N! Look I'm sorry about Tommy and me and Ranboo ignoring you. Tommy is doing pretty bad at the moment and we don't want him to feel unappreciated or alone. That's why he hung out with him a lot lately.
I hope you understand.
I'll talk to you later! Bye :D

Tubbo always was the sweet one in your group. He'd help anyone or anything where he can. That's a thing everyone liked about him, even Tommy did and still does.

You decided to message him as well. He and Ranboo had to know about what happened. But you wouldn't write it in the letter. That would be a shitty way to tell them.
You clicked on 'write a message' and started writing.

I need to talk to you and Ranboo about something very serious. It's really important and I don't want anything to happened to you two.
Let's meet up tomorrow afternoon at McPuffys ca. 2:00pm.
I don't think that I can walk or pretty much even stand up today.
I'll tell you everything tomorrow!
Byee :)

You sent it after reading through it once. Hopefully they'll see it just in time before-
You didn't want to continue that thought.
Since you were alone and still tired you decided to sleep for a little longer.
You yawned as you took your blanket and cuddled yourself into it.

Tomorrow you'd explain everything to Ranboo and Tubbo.

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